Symantec/Veritas Enterprise Vault Swarm/CAStor integration

Symantec/Veritas Enterprise Vault Swarm/CAStor integration

Created 5/12/2015 michael.brame · Updated 1/20/2016 aaron.enfield

NOTICE: Content Router was discontinued in 2015. For continued support, migration to EV11 and Swarm Feeds is required.

NOTICE: Content Router was discontinued in 2015. For continued support, migration to EV11 and Swarm Feeds is required.



  • Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.x

  • CAStor 6.5.x or Swarm 7.x

  • Caringo Content Router 7.x (required for EVSVR, mandatory for support)

Beginning with Symantec Enterprise Vault (EV) 10, Swarm/CAStor clusters are available as archiving targets using the CAStor streamer DLL. This streamer is provided with the EV installation. The integration presents itself as "Storage type" target for an EV partition. The two applicable targets are "Caringo CAStor" and "Dell DX Object Storage Platform". For EV10, both Dell and DataCore / Caringo targets function identically.

Along with the storage cluster, the customer will also need to set up a Content Router node in order to enable enumeration of streams for listing and re-indexing.

To configure the connection settings, the "Primary cluster" field must be populated with at least one of the cluster node IP addresses (or proxy address). This may also be a comma separated list of IPs as well. The "DR cluster" field may be left blank, but the "Publisher" field must be populated with the IP address of a running Content Router Publisher.



  • Veritas Enterprise Vault 11.x

  • CAStor 6.5.x or Swarm 7.x

  • FULLY LICENSED CARINGO INDEXER running Elasticsearch 0.90.10 (required for EVSRV, mandatory for support)

With EV11, the Caringo CAStor target was renamed to Caringo Swarm to reflect our new branding. It also uses the Feeds functionality instead of the discontinued Content Router. Thus in order to use EV11 with a Swarm cluster, a Caringo Indexer node must be installed and must have an indexing feed configured from the Swarm cluster to the Indexer.

NOTE: Veritas shipped EV11 with the old version of CastorStreamer.dll. The latest version is 1.3.2 - using the older version of the DLL will cause the Caringo Swarm target to fail.

NOTE: Veritas shipped EV11 with the old version of CastorStreamer.dll. The latest version is 1.3.2 - using the older version of the DLL will cause the Caringo Swarm target to fail.

Contact DataCore Support if you need the new version of the CastorStreamer.dll. To upgrade the dll, copy the new version over the old one in the EV installation directory. It will be picked up automatically without an EV restart.

While the new Swarm EV target uses feeds, if the customer wants to continue using Content Router, the Dell DX Object Storage Platform target can be selected since it has not been updated to use feeds and works as it did with EV10. We encourage the upgrade since the feeds based mechanism does a better job of ordering and paging results. The Content Router based version did not handle ordering by date and EV had to do a full enumeration of the streams to provide a listing. The feeds based version uses mark and sort to do date-based sorting and paging, which is significantly faster for listing.

Integration with CloudScaler Gateway

The EV integration optionally supports CloudScalar Gateway authentication. Before configuring the Gateway domain storage, users will need to set up Gateway authentication and a domain to store unnamed streams.

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