How to manually upload health reports to DataCore Support

How to manually upload health reports to DataCore Support

If your Swarm cluster doesn't have Internet access or is unable to send us health reports through a proxy, then you can manually collect health reports and upload them to us, by following this procedure:

New Method:

  • Collect the health reports for each node, by running this script from the support bundle swarm-support-tools.tgz, preferably on the CSN:
/root/dist/swarmctl -d [ip address of any Swarm node] -a -x -Q healthreport -p [admin:[admin password]]

-d is optional if you have SCSP_HOST set in your environment (recommended, see the Support Scripts pdf in the Support bundle for more information).  -p is optional if you have the default admin password (which is not recommended but commonly seen).

  • This method is MUCH faster than the old method especially for larger clusters. 

Old Method:

  • Collect the health reports for each node, by running this script from the support bundle swarm-support-tools.tgz, preferably on the CSN:

Then, assuming the server you ran the above commands on has internet access, you may upload the tarball generated by the previous script by typing:

source /root/dist/bashrcforcustomers
uploadtosupport [filename]

If your server does not have internet access, you may SCP the file off to a system that does and then upload it to DataCore Support using the uploader here: https://support.cloud.datacore.com/tools/uploader. Please make sure to include the appropriate support ticket number (which looks like 123456-123456.)

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