How do I a create a local repository (repo) on my CSN?

How do I a create a local repository (repo) on my CSN?

There are situations where the CSN might not have network access, and installing Caringo software requires access to a repository. If this is your situation, you can create a local repo using the RHEL/ CentOS installation media.

1. Copy the CentOS or RHEL iso to the root folder of the CSN. Make sure you have enough space first.

2. Next mount the iso. You may have to make the target directory before mounting it.

mount -o loop,ro /root/centos-xx.iso /root/centos6

3. Next, edit the base repo file (/etc/yum.repos.d/Centos-Base.repo ) or create a new one. Add this to the top:

name=CentOS-$releasever - Local baseurl=file:///root/centos6

4. Now, if you now run yum repolist -v you should see the local packages

NOTE: For CentOS 6.7+ CSN images, avahi packages are on Disk 2 of the CentOS packages. I would suggest copying over the iso files from both CentOS DVDs to a local directory and then reference that local share as above.

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