
  • swarmrestart [options]

  • swarmrestart is a binary script replacement for the -G option in snmp-castor-tool.sh

  • used to rolling restart a cluster

  • common options include

    • -p "user:password"

    • -n - reboots only those nodes in the local NODES.csv file (like -n in snmp-castor-tool.sh)

    • -m [minutes] - number of minutes to wait for a booted node to mount the disk. 45 minutes by default

    • -d [ip address] - any IP in the cluster from which the script will read all storage IPs

    • -v [version] - specify the version of storage nodes to restart. Default will restart any. Useful if you have already upgraded some nodes and want only to rolling reboot the nodes that haven't been upgraded yet.

    • -x [filename] - a list of IPs that should NOT be rebooted

    • -w [boot wait] - wait this long after rebooting a node until trying to contact it. Faster booting nodes, you can set this lower than the 5 minutes default.

  • this script generates a log file while running to show exactly what is going on at each timestamp

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