swarmctl -L Node log level

  • swarmctl [-L {0,5,10,15,20,30,40,50}] Allows you to view and change a particular node's log level.

    • 0 - No logging

    • 5 - Chatter - More verbose than Debug. More detail is provided about every request being processed to aid in diagnoses. Only enabled on request and usually captured for a single component, or for a very short time period.

    • 10 - Debug, info, warnings, errors, critical messages, and announcements (the most verbose log level typically used)

    • 15 - Errors, warnings, info, audit

    • 20 - Info, warnings, errors, critical messages, and announcements

    • 30 - Warnings, errors, critical messages, and announcements

    • 40 - Errors, critical messages, and announcements

    • 50 - Critical messages and announcements only

  • This is useful when you want to change only a single node's log level instead of EVERY node's log level

  • This value does not persist after a reboot

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