Swarm Object Services(SOS) Testing documents

Swarm Object Services(SOS) Testing documents

  1. Before starting SOS testing refere these CUP for good understanding on this feature: CUP 631 - Swarm Object Services - Message Queue.docx CUP 632 - Swarm Object Servies - Router.docx CUP 633 - Swarm Object Services - Worker Manager.docx CUP 634 - Swarm Object Services - Application Framework.docx CUP 635 - Swarm Object Services - External APIs for Service Management.docx

  2. Do the test and rabbitmq setup by following this document https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KBI/pages/3260874753

  3. SOS scrtipts path https://bitbucket.org/caringo/swarm-object-services/src/master/bin/

  4. Configuration settings to Turn ON SOS in gateway.cfg [sos]  sos_enabled = true 

  5. Sample to run genfilter script to geneate filter in .json format

  6. Sample to create route gen operation

  7. Sample command to PUT route and response

  8. Add messages to the sos-worker queue, run a curl POST dyanmic features command on any object in the cluster. curl -i -k -u periferyadmin:password -XPOST ""

  9. list queue commands

  10. Delete queue

  11. Delete the router deployment kubectl delete deployment sos-router -n swarm

Note: This document is drafted from the data collected during the initial phase of this feature (POC). When this feature is re-enabled, please discuss it with the Development team. The purpose of this document is to provide an initial idea of how testing can be carried out.

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