Swarm Object Services(SOS) Testing documents
Before starting SOS testing refere these CUP for good understanding on this feature: CUP 631 - Swarm Object Services - Message Queue.docx CUP 632 - Swarm Object Servies - Router.docx CUP 633 - Swarm Object Services - Worker Manager.docx CUP 634 - Swarm Object Services - Application Framework.docx CUP 635 - Swarm Object Services - External APIs for Service Management.docx
Do the test and rabbitmq setup by following this document https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KBI/pages/3260874753
SOS scrtipts path https://bitbucket.org/caringo/swarm-object-services/src/master/bin/
Configuration settings to Turn ON SOS in gateway.cfg [sos] sos_enabled = true
Sample to run genfilter script to geneate filter in .json format
Sample to create route gen operation
Sample command to PUT route and response
Add messages to the sos-worker queue, run a curl POST dyanmic features command on any object in the cluster. curl -i -k -u periferyadmin:password -XPOST ""
list queue commands
Delete queue
Delete the router deployment kubectl delete deployment sos-router -n swarm
Note: This document is drafted from the data collected during the initial phase of this feature (POC). When this feature is re-enabled, please discuss it with the Development team. The purpose of this document is to provide an initial idea of how testing can be carried out.
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