Swarm - How to become a DataCore Certified Implementation Engineer (DCIE)

Swarm - How to become a DataCore Certified Implementation Engineer (DCIE)


DataCore Certified Solution Architect (DCSA) is a mandatory course that must be completed before attending the Swarm DCIE training on LMS

How do I get DCIE Certification?

Refer to the following steps to become a Swarm-DataCore Certified Implementation Engineer (DCIE):

  1. Attend the current DataCore Swarm Administration 5-day certification training course. You can register for an Instructor-Led course.


Attendance at the 3-day DCIE Standard Administration course does not qualify for DCIE Certification. During the training course, complete your Customer Support registration, providing relevant contact details and your company email ID. Registration is mandatory to access the DataCore Support website.

  1. A DataCore Approved Partner must request a Not For Resale (NFR) software and license key from the DataCore Partner Portal. This is an optional step that is performed when the software is installed for the first time.

Be acquainted with how Swarm software works. This is required during the DCIE assessment exam.

  1. Go to the LMS portal.

  2. Browse the Online Course Catalog.

  3. Click DCIE for the Swarm Exam.

Make sure you are not logged in

  1. Click Already Enrolled? Sign In. Use your LMS Credentials.

  1. Click Start Course.
    A maximum of three reattempts are allowed to pass the exam. The passing score is 80%. Contact your DataCore account manager if you do not pass within three attempts. The Support team will allow you to retake the test one more time at the request of your manager. After failing the test for the fourth time, you must go through the training courses again before attempting the test.

  2. Review the following FAQs:

    1. FAQ 838 : DataCore Administrators Notifications

    2. FAQ : The DataCore Swarm Installation Process Documentation

      Scroll to the bottom of each of these FAQs and subscribe to them using your registered email address

  3. Coordinate with an existing DCIE to be a 'mentor' for you during your first Planning and Installation activity. Specify the name of the DCIE exam on the first install. If you do not have a mentor available or are the first person in your company to take the DCIE test, a DataCore Customer Service Engineer can act as a 'remote mentor' and will be assigned with the next step.

Planning and Installation of Swarm

  1. Download all preparation documents from the Swarm-DataCore Installation Process Documentation.

  2. Fill out the documents and upload them.

  1. Fill out a Template_Site_Planning_Checklist_Swarm and customize it specific to the customer.

  2. Remove test features that the customer does not use anymore (See Swarm-DataCore Installation Process Documentation for more details).

  3. Open a new Customer Support Incident with the title [Name_of_Customer] - Customer Information for Swarm DCIE.

  4. Select Customer Information as a category and Severity 3, and specify the planned installation date in the incident.

  5. Make sure the name and file are correct before uploading the completed Template Site_Planning_Checklist_Swarm and Engagement Plan for the Incident.

  6. The Incident will be set to Solved and the reply will include a list of areas that must be checked before installing.

During Installation

  1. Map the name for the Engagement Plan and fill out all items in the document.

  2. Use the Template_Site_Planning_Checklist_Swarm document. Perform and document the Acceptance Test items in the document.

  3. Create a new incident for any issues during the installation.

  1. Update the ‘Customer Information’ incident with any document changes that apply to documents and increment the version number for each new document upload.

  2. Upload the standard 'Support Bundles' for the Swarm Cluster. The bundles must reflect the site planning checklist. (Upload it from SCS)

  3. Instruct the end-user to register for support via the Register for Support and to visit the following:

    FAQ 1322: Contacting DataCore Technical Support

  1. Inform DataCore Support via the incident to confirm that all tasks are completed and that you have successfully passed the DCIE Tests and Score. The DataCore Support team shall review and confirm DCIE certification.

  2. Your DCIE Swarm Certificate PDF will be posted inside your Customer Support Incident with the title [Name_of_Customer] - for Swarm DCIE.

DCIE Assessment

A certification review includes:

  • How much remote support was needed?

  • Did the Installer call to receive help?

  • Did the Installer raise new incidents rather than updating the ‘Customer Information’ incident?

  • Were the Template documents completed and adjusted appropriately for the installation, with sections added or removed as needed?

  • Was the correct documentation attached, and was it attached at the correct point in preparation and after the installation?

Support will create the certificate as a PDF and post it in the incident.

After DCIE Certification

You are eligible to be invited to DCIE Round Tables and are also encouraged to sign up for our own LinkedIn account for DataCore DCIE's here.


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