How to fix rsyslog default logging template on Rocky Linux8/RHEL8
RL8/RHEL8 have changed how they handle default logging template configuration.
To get current SCS syslog configuration to match what we used to have on CentOS7, please replace /etc/rsyslog.d/swarm-platform.conf with the following content:
# Load imtcp module for TCP syslog reception
$ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerRun 514
# Load imudp module for UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
# Define custom log message format template
template (name="SwarmPlatformFormat" type="string" string="%fromhost-ip% %rawmsg%\n")
# Define RainerScript block for advanced log processing
if $syslogfacility-text == 'local7' then {
action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/datacore/swarm-platform.log" template="SwarmPlatformFormat")
# NO LONGER SUPPORTED AFTER ES 6.x - local0.* /var/log/datacore/elasticsearch.log
local1.* /var/log/datacore/haproxy.log;SwarmPlatformFormat
local2.* /var/log/datacore/swarmfs.log;SwarmPlatformFormat
local3.* /var/log/datacore/platform.log;SwarmPlatformFormat
local4.* /var/log/datacore/cloudgateway_audit.log;SwarmPlatformFormat
local5.* /var/log/datacore/cloudgateway_server.log;SwarmPlatformFormat
local6.* /var/log/datacore/castor.log;SwarmPlatformFormat
local0,local1,local2,local3,local4,local5,local6.* stop
Then restart rsyslog to activate the change:
systemctl restart rsyslog
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