SCSP Context Sub-Resources

SCSP Context Sub-Resources

The Gateway creates SCSP context sub-resources to allow the specification of identity management systems, access control policies, and metadata transforms.

These are the sub-resources and the context in which they are applicable when using the Gateway.









Identity system definition


domain, bucket

Access control policy


domain, bucket

Metadata transform

All storage domain and bucket sub-resources are controlled with one of the policy actions PutPolicy, GetPolicy, or DeletePolicy.


Permission to read or change these sub-resources for a storage domain must be protected from untrusted users and, in deployments where end-users are allowed to manage storage domains, a cluster or tenant administrator normally retains ownership of the storage domain. An end-user is able to read and change the domain's sub-resources if they own the storage domain.


The IDSYS document sub-resource for a storage domain is manipulated using authenticated SCSP commands through the Gateway. This is accomplished by uploading the JSON document for the IDSYS to the storage domain's IDSYS sub-resource using the HTTP PUT operation.

PUT /?idsys Content-Type: application/json {"ldap" : { "ldaphost" : "ldap.example.com", ... }

The entire JSON document with all fields must be provided when updating the IDSYS sub-resource and the Content-Type: application/json header must be included with the request.

Permission to update the IDSYS document for a domain is granted with the PutPolicy policy action. 

Reading the IDSYS document is controlled with the GetPolicy policy action and uses the HTTP GET operation.

GET /?idsys

An IDSYS is removed using the HTTP DELETE operation and controlled with the DeletePolicy policy action.

DELETE /?idsys


The Policy document sub-resources for storage domains and buckets are manipulated using authenticated SCSP commands through the Gateway.

Creating a new Policy document or replacing an existing one are both controlled with the PutPolicy action. The entire JSON document with all fields must be provided when updating the policy sub-resource and the Content-Type: application/json header must be included with the request. 

The HTTP PUT operation is used to update a domain Policy:

PUT /?policy  Content-Type: application/json {"Id":"My Domain Policy", ... }

or a bucket Policy:

PUT /mybucket?policy  Content-Type: application/json {"Id":"My Bucket Policy", ...}

Reading a Policy document is controlled by the GetPolicy action. Examples of reading a Policy for a storage domain and a bucket:

GET /?policy GET /mybucket?policy

Deleting a Policy document is controlled by the DeletePolicy action. Examples of deleting a Policy for a storage domain and a bucket:

DELETE /?policy DELETE /mybucket?policy


The metadata transform (XFORM) sub-resource for domains and buckets are manipulated using authenticated SCSP commands through the Gateway.

Creating a new XFORM document or replacing an existing one are both controlled with the PutPolicy action. The entire JSON document with all fields must be provided when updating the xform sub-resource and the Content-Type: application/json header must be included with the request.

The HTTP PUT operation is used to update a domain XFORM:

PUT /?xform {"metadata" : { ... }}

Or a bucket XFORM:

PUT /mybucket?xform {"metadata" : { ... }}

Reading an XFORM document is controlled by the GetPolicy action. Examples of reading an XFORM for a storage domain and a bucket:

GET /?xform GET /mybucket?xform

Deleting an XFORM document is controlled by the DeletePolicy action. Examples of deleting an XFORM for a storage domain and a bucket:

DELETE /?xform DELETE /mybucket?xform


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