Defined ETC Documents

Defined ETC Documents

The Content Gateway makes use of the etc document storage for tenants and storage domains to store IDSYS, Policy, and XFORM information. These defined document names are used by the Gateway and are exposed through the Management API as an end-point for integration with applications.


The IDSYS documents for tenants and storage domains are created and modified by uploading the JSON document through the Management API.

tenants/{tenant}/etc/idsys.json tenants/{tenant}/domains/{domain}/etc/idsys.json

The entire JSON document with all fields must be provided when updating the idsys.json document and the Content-Type: application/json header must be included with the request.

  • Permission to create and update is granted with the PutPolicy policy action. 

  • Reading the IDSYS document is controlled with the GetPolicy policy action.

The storage domain's IDSYS can also be manipulated through the SCSP Storage API.


The Policy documents for tenants and storage domains are created and modified by uploading the JSON document through the Management API.

tenants/{tenant}/etc/policy.json tenants/{tenant}/domains/{domain}/etc/policy.json

The entire JSON document with all fields must be provided when updating the policy.json document and the Content-Type: application/json header must be included with the request.

  • Permission to create and update is granted with the PutPolicy policy action. 

  • Reading the Policy document is controlled with the GetPolicy policy action.

The access control policies for domains and buckets can also by manipulated through the SCSP Storage API.


The metadata transform (XFORM) document for storage domains is created and modified by uploading the JSON document through the Management API.


The entire JSON document with all fields must be provided when updating the metaxform.json document and the Content-Type: application/json header must be included with the request.

  • Permission to create and update is granted with the PutPolicy policy action. 

  • Reading the XFORM document is controlled with the GetPolicy policy action.

The metadata transform can also be manipulated through the SCSP Storage API.

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