Management API Response Formats
These are the Content Management API response formats that can be returned with a request. The order of the JSON fields in output records and the ordering of lists is not defined unless otherwise noted.
Best Practice
Make applications tolerant of extra fields in all responses for future compatibility.
General Request Response
This is the general-purpose response format for requests when no other specific format is defined. This response is also given when errors occur preventing the return of a specific response format. This general request response format is used to communicate the error condition if a listing operation fails.
The response is a JSON formatted body whose fields and HTTP status codes are defined as follows:
General Request Response Format
message | human-readable message describing response |
code | text response code |
errors | array of strings with error details |
Response Code Text Strings
WriteSucceeded | 201 status code |
DeleteSucceeded | 200 status code |
CreateFailed | various status codes from storage cluster |
ListFailed | various status codes from storage cluster |
ReadFailed | various status codes from storage cluster |
WriteFailed | various status codes from storage cluster |
DeleteFailed | various status codes from storage cluster |
NotAuthorized | 401 or 403 status code |
ServerError | 500 status code |
MissingParameter | 400 status code; missing required query argument |
NotFound | 404 status code; message contains path |
OtherError | various status codes; non-specific error |
BadJson | 400 status code; JSON unable to be parsed |
InvalidJson | 400 status code; JSON did not validate |
BadRequest | 400 status code; invalid argument or path |
This is an example response:
"message": "The data were not parsable JSON.",
"code": "BadJson",
"errors": [
"Unexpected character ('P' (code 80)): expected a valid value
(number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')\n at
[Source: [B@37994099; line: 1, column: 2]"
Version Response
The version response contains information about the Management API software version. A general request response is given if an error occurs on the request.
manageApiVersion | API version string; format not defined |
This is an example version response:
"manageApiVersion": "1.0"
Cluster Usage Response
The cluster usage response contains storage usage information about the back-end Swarm object storage cluster. A general request response is given if an error occurs on the request.
availableGb | Storage GBytes available; integer |
capacityGb | Total storage GBytes in the cluster; integer |
This is an example version response:
"availableGb": 31676,
"capacityGb": 512437
Tenant, Domain Listing Response
The tenant and domain listing response returns a listing of tenants and storage domains as a JSON list object. A general request response is given if an error occurs on the request.
name | Name of tenant or domain |
etag | ETag opaque string; strong validator |
contentMd5 | base64 encoded MD5 value |
lastModified | ISO 8601 format date and time with sub-second resolution |
This is an example of a storage domain listing:
ETC Listing Response
The ETC listing response returns a listing of documents associated with a tenant or storage domain as a JSON list object. A general request response is given if an error occurs on the request.
Document Listing Response Format
name | Name of tenant or domain |
etag | ETag opaque string; strong validator |
contentMd5 | base64 encoded MD5 value |
lastModified | ISO 8601 format date and time with sub-second resolution |
This is an example of a listing of etc documents:
Token Response Formats
There are two types of token response formats: individual token GET/PUT response and token listing response. Both response formats are JSON documents. The token listing response is a JSON array of individual token objects.
owner | User name for whom this token applies |
scope | Root (blank), tenant, or storage domain scope |
token | Token identification; opaque value |
secret | Optional S3 secret key; supplied during create |
expiration | Token expiration in ISO 8601 format date and time with sub-second resolution |
creation | Token creation in ISO 8601 format date and time with sub-second resolution |
This is an example of a token response:
"owner": "gcarlin",
"scope": "",
"token": "874fbb09057bc6be295fbdf4155deb73",
"secret": "BaseballVsFootball",
"expiration": "2016-02-05T04:05:55.000Z",
"creation" : "2013-12-05T01:02:22.000Z"
Token Listing Response Format
The format of the token listing response is a JSON array of token objects. By default, the token listing response does not include the secret fields for the tokens.
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