Swarm Cluster Services (SCS) CLI Commands

Swarm Cluster Services (SCS) CLI Commands

The SCS configures and manages Swarm storage clusters. This command-line interface helps automate hardware management tasks by enabling script common, high-level management tasks around cluster and node deployment:


  • Create a storage cluster

  • Read a storage cluster's settings

  • Update a storage cluster's settings


  • Add a chassis to the cluster

  • Read a chassis' settings

  • Update a chassis' settings


  • Upgrade a storage cluster's software

  • Add or update a storage license

  • Update the storage cluster configuration, such as the location of Syslog and NTP servers 

SCS command-line interface (CLI) is a set of Python 3 modules; these modules follow a naming convention allowing dynamic discovery, which is then parsed for subcommands. This enables help at any level to learn how to build a command.

CLI Command - The command for the CLI is "scsctl", and subcommands are listed in order after. To view settings, a command like "scsctl settings view" is used (with arguments as needed). 

API Interaction - The CLI uses the SCS API directly as a client. Use the CLI as a set of examples for integrating with the SCS API.

Component Settings - Most setting definitions have a default value. For those depending on an environment, the CLI prompts for a value. For secure settings (such as passwords), the CLI does not echo an entry.


Provides basic control and visibility in to the SCS service.


usage: scsctl [-v | --info-log | --debug-log | --trace-log] [--user USER | --token TOKEN] options: ... Provides basic control and visibility into the Platform service. optional arguments: --user USER User name and (optionally) password. If password is included, then this must be in the form "{user_name}:{password}" (default: None) --token TOKEN Authentication token. (default: None) output options: These options affect the way output is displayed. -v, --verbose Increase output verbosity (ex: -v, -vv, -vvv). Verbose output is always sent to stdout. (default: None) --info-log Set info-level verbosity (equivalent to -v). (default: None) --debug-log Set debug-level verbosity (equivalent to -vv). (default: None) --trace-log Set trace-level verbosity (equivalent to -vvv). (default: None) subcommands: Which action you wish to perform. To get detailed help, add 'help' to the end. For example: 'scsctl auth help' options: auth Manages persisted credentials for contacting the Platform API. backup Manages backing up and restoring the Platform service. diagnostics Performs diagnostics on the Platform server setup. init Utilities for setting up a Swarm environment. license Manages the license for this Swarm ecosystem installation. repo Manages the Platform repository. The repository contains installed component versions and other third-party software. system Performs administrative operations on the system. <component> Manage the "<component>" component.

scsctl <component>

Manages a component in the Swarm ecosystem.


usage: scsctl <component> [-v | --info-log | --debug-log | --trace-log] [--user USER | --token TOKEN] [--version VERSION] [-b] [--pretty] options: ... Manage the "<component>" component. optional arguments: --user USER User name and (optionally) password. If password is included, then this must be in the form "{user_name}:{password}" (default: None) --token TOKEN Authentication token. (default: None) --version VERSION A specific installed version to view. (default: None) -b, --brief If present, will display component details in compact mode. (default: True) output options: These options affect the way output is displayed. -v, --verbose Increase output verbosity (ex: -v, -vv, -vvv). Verbose output is always sent to stdout. (default: None) --info-log Set info-level verbosity (equivalent to -v). (default: None) --debug-log Set debug-level verbosity (equivalent to -vv). (default: None) --trace-log Set trace-level verbosity (equivalent to -vvv). (default: None) --pretty If specified, will format output to be more human- friendly. (default: False) subcommands: Which action you wish to perform. To get detailed help, add 'help' to the end. For example: 'scsctl <component> add help' options: add Shorthand for component "instance add". config Manage configuration for this component. group Manage groups within this component. instance Manage instances of this component. list Shorthand for component "instance list". show Display this component's details. software Manage software for this component.

scsctl <component> Add

Shorthand for component "instance add".


usage: scsctl <component> add [-v | --info-log | --debug-log | --trace-log] [--user USER | --token TOKEN] [--show-detail] (-g GROUP_NAME | -d) options: ... name Shorthand for component "instance add". positional arguments: name The name of the instance. optional arguments: --user USER User name and (optionally) password. If password is included, then this must be in the form "{user_name}:{password}" (default: None) --token TOKEN Authentication token. (default: None) --show-detail If specified, then advanced detail about the state of the added instance will be shown (default behavior is to just show the ID). (default: False) -g GROUP_NAME, --group GROUP_NAME The name of the group to which the instance will be added. (default: _default) -d, --default-group If specified, then the instance will be added to the default group. (default: None) output options: These options affect the way output is displayed. -v, --verbose Increase output verbosity (ex: -v, -vv, -vvv). Verbose output is always sent to stdout. (default: None) --info-log Set info-level verbosity (equivalent to -v). (default: None) --debug-log Set debug-level verbosity (equivalent to -vv). (default: None) --trace-log Set trace-level verbosity (equivalent to -vvv). (default: None) subcommands: Which action you wish to perform. To get detailed help, add 'help' to the end. For example: 'scsctl <component> add DUMMY help' options:

scsctl <component> Configuration

Manage configuration for this component.


scsctl <component> Configuration File

Manages component configuration files.


scsctl <component> Configuration File List

Lists configuration files for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration File Set

Updates a configuration file for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration File Show

Shows a configuration file for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration File Unset

Removes a customized configuration file for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration List

Lists configuration settings for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration Set

Updates a configuration setting for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration Show

Displays a configuration setting for the current component.


scsctl <component> Configuration Unset

Removes a previously-set configuration setting value of the given component.


scsctl <component> Group

Manage groups within this component.


scsctl <component> Group Add

Adds a group to the given component.


scsctl <component> Group List

Lists groups of the given component.


scsctl <component> Group Makedefault

Marks a group as the default group in the given component.


scsctl <component> Group Remove

Removes a group from the given component.


scsctl <component> Group Show

Displays information about a group of the given component.


scsctl <component> Group Update

Updates a group in the given component.


scsctl <component> Instance

Manage instances of this component.


scsctl <component> Instance List

Lists instances of the given component.


scsctl <component> Instance Remove

Removes an instance of the given component.


scsctl <component> Instance Show

Displays information about an instance of the given component.


scsctl <component> List

Shorthand for component "instance list".


scsctl <component> Show

Display this component's details.


scsctl <component> Software

Manage software for this component.


scsctl <component> Software Activate

Activates an installed version of a component in the Swarm ecosystem.


scsctl <component> Software List

Lists installed software versions for a component in the Swarm ecosystem.


scsctl <component> Software Show

Displays software information for an installed version of the component.


scsctl Auth

Manages persisted credentials for contacting the SCS API.


scsctl Auth Login

Stores new credentials for contacting the SCS API.


scsctl Auth Logout

Clears previously-stored credentials for contacting the SCS API.


scsctl Backup

Manages backing up and restoring the SCS service.


scsctl Backup Create

Performs a backup of the SCS service.


scsctl Backup Restore

Performs a restore of the SCS service from a backup file.


scsctl Diagnostics

Performs diagnostics on the SCS server setup.


scsctl Diagnostics Configuration

Checks configuration across the ecosystem.


scsctl Diagnostics Configuration scan_missing

Checks for missing configuration values.


scsctl init

Utilities for setting up a Swarm environment.


scsctl init Configs

Performs an import of config values for multiple components into the default group for each. Each component's config values are in a file for that component, with the component name as the base ("your_component.cfg", "your_component.json", etc.)


scsctl init dhcp

Configures on-box DHCP service for use with SCS.


scsctl init Wizard

Walks the user through the init process to get the environment set up.


scsctl License

Manages the license for this Swarm ecosystem installation.


scsctl License Add

Installs a new Swarm license into the SCS service.


scsctl License Show

Displays the license installed in the SCS service.


scsctl repo

Manages the SCS repository. The repository contains installed component versions and other third-party software.


scsctl repo Component

Manages component installations within the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Component Add

Adds a component version to the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Component Build

Builds a component bundle that can be imported into the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Component Delete

Removes a component version from the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Component List

Lists installed component versions within the SCS repository. The default view is a compact listing of active and inactive components.


scsctl repo Component Reload

Reloads the on-disk component registry.


scsctl repo Third-Party

Manages third-party software installations within the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Third-Party Add

Adds third-party software to the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Third-Party Delete

Removes third-party software from the SCS repository.


scsctl repo Third-Party List

Lists installed third-party software within the SCS repository.


scsctl System

Performs administrative operations on the system.


scsctl System Reset


This action completely resets all post-installation changes to the SCS server!



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