Undefined Responses from Swarm

Undefined Responses from Swarm

This section describes HTTP requests sent to a storage cluster where the results are currently undefined. In most cases, one of the following error responses is sent by Swarm.

Critical Error in Swarm

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error  Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT  Server: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0  Allow: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE  Connection: close  Content-Length: 27  Content-Type: text/html CRLF  Message

Check your logs for more information and contact your support representative if necessary.

Unsupported Request

HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented  Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT  Server: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0  Allow: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE  Connection: close  Content-Length: 56  Content-Type: text/html CRLF  Swarm does not understand the request or does not yet implement this functionality.

This response indicates Swarm received a request method not implemented. The methods listed in the Allow header currently work in Swarm.

See SCSP Headers.

Unavailable Service

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable  Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT  Server: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0  Allow: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE  Connection: close  Content-Length: 0  Content-Type: text/html

This response indicates Swarm received a request it did not understand or it does not have the resources to process the request. The client should resubmit the request at a later time or to a different node in the cluster.

Unsupported HTTP Version

HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version not supported  Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT  Server: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0  Allow: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE  Connection: close  Content-Length: 0  Content-Type: text/html

This response indicates a request was received with an HTTP version other than HTTP/1.1. Swarm only supports HTTP/1.1.

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