Error Response Headers
SCSP error responses have headers detailing the error code, response code (token), and error description. The response for any request with an error code 400 or greater includes three special headers: castor-system-error-code
, castor-system-error-token
, and castor-system-error-text
. These headers replace the legacy header x-castor-meta-error-message
, which is deprecated. (v9.1)
A failure response may contain a series of cascading errors. Focus on the final error in the series, which is likely to be the issue needing to be addressed:
< HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
< Castor-System-Error-Token: SecurityRealmFailure
< Castor-System-Error-Text: Failed to load context ''.
< Castor-System-Error-Code: 404
< Castor-System-Error-Token: RequiresContext2
< Castor-System-Error-Text: Cannot find required domain or bucket.
< Castor-System-Error-Code: 412
< Content-Length: 130
< Content-Type: text/html
A text value of "{0}" or "{1}" indicates a variable to be populated by Swarm when the value is generated.
A code value of "0" indicates the response code is not static, and is populated by Swarm when the error is generated.
Code | Token | Text |
0 | CloseException | {0} |
0 | CloseException2 | {0} |
0 | CloseException3 | {0} |
500 | CloseFailure | {0} |
500 | CloseFailure2 | {0} |
500 | CloseFailure3 | {0} |
500 | CloseFailure4 | {0} |
507 | ClusterOutOfObjects | Not enough licensed objects in the cluster for request. |
507 | ClusterOutOfSpace | Not enough licensed space in the cluster for request. |
507 | ClusterOutOfSpace3 | Not enough space in cluster. |
507 | ClusterOutOfSpace4 | Not enough space in cluster. |
0 | CompletionErrorNonRequest | {0} |
0 | CompletionErrorRequest | {0} |
500 | CompletionErrorUnknown | Unknown completion error. |
412 | ConditionalIfMatch | If-Match condition not met. |
412 | ConditionalIfMatch2 | If-Match condition not met. |
304 | ConditionalIfModified | If-Modified-Since condition not met. |
304 | ConditionalIfNoneMatch | If-None-Match condition not met on GET or HEAD. |
412 | ConditionalIfNoneMatch2 | If-None-Match condition not met. |
412 | ConditionalIfUnmodified | If-Unmodified-Since condition not met. |
412 | ConditionalMatchNotFound | A matching object was not found on If-Match request. |
412 | ConditionalNoneMatchFound | A matching object was found on If-None-Match request. |
400 | CopyMD5Mismatch | The Content-MD5 provided on the COPY request does not match the value in the manifest. |
400 | CopyMD5Mismatch2 | The Content-MD5 provided on the COPY request does not match the value in the manifest. |
400 | DigesterForbiddenArgs | Content Integrity: 'hashtype' and 'newhashtype' queryArgs cannot be used together. |
400 | DigesterInvalidHashtype | Content Integrity: unsupported hash type. |
400 | DigesterMismatch | Persisted {0} did not match request. |
400 | DigesterMismatch2 | {0} did not match computed digest. |
400 | DigesterMismatch3 | Local Content-MD5 did not match remote Content-MD5. |
400 | DigesterMismatch4 | {0} did not match computed digest. |
400 | DigesterMissingHeader | Expect {0} trailing header not supplied. |
500 | DigesterMissingRemote | Remote replica did not contain a Content-MD5. |
400 | DigesterRequiresHash | Content Integrity - 'hash' query arg required with 'hashtype' on GET or COPY. |
400 | DigesterRequiresHashtype | Content Integrity - 'hashtype' query arg required on request. |
412 | DigesterSealMismatch | Content Integrity - seal did not validate. |
503 | ECSegmentClose | Premature segment close on read. Please retry. |
406 | EncodeInvalidCE | Content-encoding not acceptable. |
405 | EncodeInvalidMethod | APPEND not allowed for content-encoded objects. |
406 | EncodeRequiresCE | Content-encoding not found on request or in 'decoderSettings' setting. |
500 | EnvelopedHeadersTimeout | Content-Type: %s used, but enveloped headers were not sent before timeout. |
400 | FeedSendHeaderMisuse1 | %s header should not be provided on feed SEND request. |
400 | FeedSendHeaderMisuse2 | %s header should not be provided on feed SEND request. |
400 | FeedSendHeaderMisuse3 | %s header should not be provided on feed SEND request. |
400 | FeedSendIllegalFeedId | feedid query argument must refer to the id of a feed |
400 | FeedSendIllegalFeedType | feedtype query argument must refer to a feed type. |
400 | FeedSendIllegalTimeout | timeout query argument must be a positive number. |
400 | ForbiddenAction | 'Action' query arg is not allowed on existing object request. |
400 | ForbiddenAliasRename | An alias stream cannot be renamed. |
400 | ForbiddenAliasUUID | Only the COPY operation supports renaming using aliasuuid. |
400 | ForbiddenConditional | Conditional headers other than If-None-Match:* on a named request not allowed in a POST. |
417 | ForbiddenContentMD5 | Expect:Content-MD5/gencontentmd5 is not supported for APPEND. |
400 | ForbiddenContext | Cannot write duplicate context. |
409 | ForbiddenContextName | POST will only create new context objects. Context already exists. |
409 | ForbiddenContextName2 | POST will only create new context objects. Context already exists. |
412 | ForbiddenDomainName | Cannot rename domain to existing domain name. |
400 | ForbiddenEtag | Etag query argument not appropriate on write requests. |
501 | ForbiddenFeature | You must configure Erasure Coding to obtain this functionality. |
501 | ForbiddenFeature2 | You must configure Erasure Coding to obtain this functionality. |
501 | ForbiddenFeature3 | Chunked APPEND not supported in S3 mode. |
400 | ForbiddenGenID | IsGenId query arg must be used with GET or HEAD methods only. |
400 | ForbiddenIndexWaitValue | Forbidden value '{0}' with index query argument |
400 | ForbiddenManifest | {0} not appropriate on this request. |
400 | ForbiddenManifestEC | Cannot provide erasure coding query args for a manifest write. |
400 | ForbiddenManifestHeader | '{0}' header only allowed on a POST. |
400 | ForbiddenManifestHeader2 | '{0}' header not allowed on a context request. |
405 | ForbiddenMethod | Allow header forbids this method on this object. |
409 | ForbiddenMutable | Operation on mutable object must be by name or alias. |
409 | ForbiddenMutable2 | Can not PUT an immutable object. |
409 | ForbiddenMutable3 | Can not PUT an immutable object. |
409 | ForbiddenMutable4 | Can not COPY an immutable object. |
409 | ForbiddenMutable5 | Can not APPEND an immutable object. |
409 | ForbiddenMutable6 | Can not {0} an immutable object. |
400 | ForbiddenPolicyHeader | Policy headers are only allowed on domains and buckets. |
400 | ForbiddenPutCreate | 'Putcreate' query argument not allowed on context requests. |
412 | ForbiddenRename | Cannot rename due to existing object. |
400 | ForbiddenSegmentEC | Cannot EC an existing segment. |
400 | ForbiddenSegmentSize | Cannot specify 'segmentsize' on an existing EC object. |
409 | ForbiddenSegmented | Cannot segment an EC object. |
409 | ForbiddenSegmented2 | Cannot segment an EC object. |
400 | ForbiddenSegmentedEC | Cannot specify segmented=yes, and provide erasure coding query args. |
400 | ForbiddenSpec | Cannot specify 'erasurecoded' on an existing object for given method. |
400 | ForbiddenSpec2 | Cannot specify 'encoding' on an existing object for given method. |
400 | ForbiddenSpec3 | Cannot specify 'segmentwidth' on an existing object for given method. |
400 | ForbiddenSpec4 | Cannot specify 'segmentsize' on an existing object for given method. |
400 | ForbiddenSpec5 | Cannot specify 'lifepoint k:p' on an existing object for given method. |
400 | ForbiddenStreamHeader | Duplicate header values detected for {0}. |
403 | ForbiddenUUID | UUID forbidden on POST. |
403 | ForbiddenUUIDName | UUID/Name forbidden on RETRIEVE. |
400 | ForbiddenVersioning | 'Version' query argument may not be used on a context request. |
400 | ForbiddenVersioning2 | 'Version' query argument may not be used on an immutable request. |
400 | ForbiddenVersioning3 | DEPRECATED: 'Version' query argument not appropriate in current state. |
409 | GenRequiresEncoding | GEN can only be performed on segments, by administrative request. |
412 | IfNoneMatchFail | Named stream already exists with If-None-Match: * specified. |
503 | InsufficientMemory | Insufficient physical memory |
503 | InsufficientMemory2 | Service unavailable, busy |
507 | InternodeInsufficientResources | Could not find sufficient resources. |
507 | InternodeInvalidDistribution | Did not balance across the correct number of subclusters. |
507 | InternodeInvalidDistribution2 | Did not balance evenly across subclusters. |
507 | InternodeInvalidDistribution3 | Did not balance evenly across nodes. |
507 | InternodeInvalidDistribution4 | Did not balance evenly across subclusters. |
503 | InternodeInvalidState | Failed to detect valid subcluster bids. Try again. |
507 | InternodeRequiresNodes | No remote nodes are available to take objects of specified size. |
507 | InternodeRequiresNodes2 | Not enough remote nodes are available to take objects of specified size. |
507 | InternodeRequiresNodes3 | Not enough subclusters are available to take objects of specified size. |
507 | InternodeRequiresNodes4 | No nodes found in bid auction. |
503 | InternodeRequiresNodes5 | Not enough nodes are available to take this object. |
507 | InternodeRequiresSubclusters | Cannot apply subcluster protection when the segment count is not greater than the required segments per subcluster. |
500 | InternodeUnexpectedCount | Found an unexpected number of nodes, fewer than needed. |
507 | InternodeUnexpectedCount2 | Unexpected number of volumes. |
400 | InvalidAliasUUID | 'Aliasuuid' must be a UUID. |
400 | InvalidAuthorization | CAStor-authorization header error. |
410 | InvalidBasisStream | Basis object has been deleted. |
503 | InvalidBirthdate | Temporary alias conflict after upgrade: try again. |
400 | InvalidBucketName | Illegal character in bucket name. |
400 | InvalidCID | 'Cid' queryArg must be valid UUID. |
400 | InvalidContentLength | Content-Length must be zero for COPY request. |
400 | InvalidContentLength1 | WritePattern query argument requires a message body with contentLength greater than 0. |
400 | InvalidContentLength2 | WritePattern pattern must not be larger than value of scsp.writePatternMax. |
400 | InvalidContentMD5 | Content-MD5 not allowed on multipart write initiate request. |
400 | InvalidContentMD52 | Content-MD5 value can not be blank. |
400 | InvalidContentMD53 | Content-MD5 value was not not a valid base64 md5 hash. |
400 | InvalidCount | 'Count' query arg must be > 0 and <= scsp.maxreplicas. |
400 | InvalidCount2 | 'Count' query arg must be an integer > 0 and <= scsp.maxreplicas. |
400 | InvalidDecorates | {0} header may not be added to contexts. |
400 | InvalidDecorates2 | {0} header must be a single UUID. |
400 | InvalidDecorates3 | {0} header must be a valid UUID. |
400 | InvalidDecorates4 | {0} header value must refer to an ETag. |
400 | InvalidDomainName | Illegal character in domain name. |
400 | InvalidDomainSpecified | Domain may not change on a recreatecid request. |
400 | InvalidDomainsDomain | Request must not provide both 'domains' and 'domain' query arguments. |
400 | InvalidECCombination | Cannot specify no encoding, and provide erasure coding query args. |
400 | InvalidECEncoding | Invalid EC encoding. |
400 | InvalidECQueryArgs | Error parsing EC queryArgs. |
400 | InvalidEntityLength | Expected integer for 'Entity-Length' header value. |
400 | InvalidEntityLength2 | Entity length header does must match Content-Length header. |
417 | InvalidExpectContentMD5 | Expect: Content-MD5/gencontentmd5 not allowed on multipart write initiate request. |
400 | InvalidMethod | A PATCH request is only valid on a multipart upload initiate. |
400 | InvalidMethodForListing | A listing request with the 'format' query arg must be a GET not {0}. |
400 | InvalidModifiedSince | If-Modified-Since time in the future. |
400 | InvalidNewName | Domain rename name contains invalid character. |
400 | InvalidNewName2 | Bucket or object rename name is invalid. |
400 | InvalidObjectName | OBSOLETE - Object names cannot look like a UUID. |
500 | InvalidOwner | Invalid owner header format. |
400 | InvalidParallelEncoding | Part uploads cannot specify encoding. |
400 | InvalidParallelFlag | Part uploads cannot be alias objects. |
400 | InvalidParallelMethod | Part upload must be a POST. |
400 | InvalidParallelRename | Part uploads cannot specify a new name. |
400 | InvalidParallelRequest | Context requests cannot be made by multipart upload. |
409 | InvalidParallelState | Cannot PUT a multipart write object still in progress. |
409 | InvalidParallelState2 | Cannot COPY a multipart write object still in progress. |
409 | InvalidParallelState3 | Cannot APPEND a multipart write object still in progress. |
409 | InvalidParallelState4 | Multipart write has mixed S3 mode parts. |
409 | InvalidParallelState5 | Multipart write has mixed S3 mode parts. |
400 | InvalidPartNumber | Part number must be an integer at least 1. |
400 | InvalidPolicyGroup | Policy values supplied are not valid as a group. |
400 | InvalidPolicyHeader | Unrecognized policy header. |
400 | InvalidPolicyHeader2 | Unnamed policy cannot be used on a bucket. |
400 | InvalidPolicyValue | Policy value is not valid. |
400 | InvalidPolicyValue2 | Policy value is malformed or invalid. |
400 | InvalidQueryArgCombo | The 'replace' and 'preserve' query args can not be used on the same request. |
400 | InvalidRangeTime | If-Range time in the future. |
400 | InvalidRecreateCID | The value of recreatecid must be a UUID. |
400 | InvalidRepSpec | Cannot specify 'erasurecoded' and reps=X. |
400 | InvalidRepSpec2 | Cannot specify 'encoding' and reps=X. |
400 | InvalidRepSpec3 | Cannot specify 'segmentwidth' and reps=X. |
400 | InvalidRepSpec4 | Cannot specify reps=X on a chunked upload. Chunked uploads must use EC. |
400 | InvalidReplicate | 'Replicate' query arg must be > 0 and <= scsp.maxreplicas. |
400 | InvalidReplicate2 | 'Replicate' query arg must be a keyword, or an integer > 0 and <= scsp.maxreplicas. |
400 | InvalidSegmentSize2 | SegmentSize must be greater than or equal to value of segmented.minSegmentSize. |
400 | InvalidSourceHeader | {0} header value must be in the form :. |
400 | InvalidSourcesHeader | {0} header value must be a comma-separated list in the form :. |
400 | InvalidStreamHeader | Header '{0}' is not syntactically valid. |
400 | InvalidURI | Invalid URI. Bucket and object name must be percent-encoded utf-8 bytes. |
400 | InvalidURI2 | URI resource does not match request. |
412 | InvalidURI3 | Could not resolve domain for context specified in CID header. |
400 | InvalidURI4 | Could not decode bucket name. |
400 | InvalidUnmodifiedSince | If-Unmodified-Since time in the future. |
400 | InvalidUploadID | UploadId query arg value was not a well-formed uploadid value. |
409 | InvalidUploadID2 | Initialized object must have matching uploadID. It might have been updated since the initiate. |
400 | InvalidVersion | Invalid 'version' query argument value. |
400 | InvalidVersionContext | 'Version' query argument may not be used on a context request. |
400 | InvalidVersionMethod | 'Version' query argument may not be used with request method. |
400 | InvalidWritePattern | Value for writePattern must be a positive integer. |
400 | InvalidWriteRandom | Value for writeRandom must be a positive integer. |
400 | MetaInvalidUUID | There are no valid UUIDs to query for countreps. |
500 | MultiHeaderMismatch | Local and remote replicas are not identical. |
404 | NotFound3 | Existing object not found in cluster. |
404 | NotFound4 | Requested object was not found. |
404 | NotFound5 | Requested object was not found. |
503 | NotFound6 | Requested object was not found. Try again. |
503 | NotFound7 | Requested object was not found. Try again. |
0 | NotFoundDeleted | Requested object was not found because it has been deleted. |
404 | NotFoundDeleted10 | Requested object version was deleted. |
0 | NotFoundDeleted3 | Requested object was deleted. |
404 | NotFoundDeleted4 | Requested object has a delete marker. |
0 | NotFoundDeleted5 | Requested object was deleted. |
404 | NotFoundDeleted6 | Requested object has a delete marker. |
404 | NotFoundDeleted7 | Requested object was deleted by policy. |
404 | NotFoundDeleted8 | Requested object was deleted by policy. |
404 | NotFoundDeleted9 | Requested object was deleted by policy. |
0 | NotFoundDeletedExisting | Existing object found deleted in the cluster. |
404 | NotFoundDisk | Object was not found on disk. |
404 | NotFoundExisting | Existing object not found in the cluster. |
0 | NotFoundExistingDeleted | Existing object found deleted in the cluster. |
503 | NotFoundExpired | Requested object was expired by policy. |
503 | NotFoundExpired2 | Requested object was expired by policy. |
503 | NotFoundExpired3 | Requested object was expired by policy. |
503 | NotFoundExpired4 | Requested object was expired by policy. |
412 | NotFoundInitiateDeleted | Initiated object found deleted in the cluster. |
404 | NotFoundMarker | Versioned object has a delete marker. |
404 | NotFoundMarker2 | Object has a delete marker. |
404 | NotFoundNotVersioned | Requested object was not found, not versioned. |
404 | NotFoundNotVersioned2 | Requested object was not found, not versioned. |
409 | NotFoundObsolete | Object version obsolete. |
409 | NotFoundObsolete2 | Object version present or obsolete. |
404 | NotFoundOld | Looking for an older version in a versioning disabled state. |
404 | NotFoundOld2 | Looking for an older version in a versioning suspended state. |
404 | NotFoundOld3 | Requested object's current version was not found in the cluster. |
404 | NotFoundOverlay | Requested object was not found, per overlay index lookup. |
404 | NotFoundOverlay2 | Requested object was not found, per overlay index lookup. |
404 | NotFoundOverlay3 | Requested object was not found, per overlay index lookup. |
404 | NotFoundOverlay4 | Requested object was not found, per overlay index lookup. |
404 | NotFoundVersion | Requested object was not found in the cluster. |
404 | NotFoundWrite | Requested object was not found. |
0 | NotFoundWrite2 | Requested object was deleted. |
500 | OpenFailure | {0} |
500 | OpenFailure2 | {0} |
400 | OperationNotPermitted | The 'forcetrim' query arg is only permitted on a HEAD request. |
400 | OperationNotPermitted2 | The 'forcetrim' query requires administrative authorization. |
500 | PipelineFailure | Can't process request |
400 | RangeForbidden | Range not allowed on COPY or APPEND. |
400 | RangeInvalid | Invalid range; index greater than range. |
416 | RangeInvalidHeader | Invalid range header; could not parse. |
416 | RangeInvalidHeader2 | Invalid range header; could not parse. |
500 | RangeUnexpectedContent | Unexpected extra content in multipart response. |
404 | Reader404NotFound | The 404stream query arg was provided. |
401 | ReaderAuthError | Destination cluster authorization error. |
400 | ReaderBucketError | List operation specifies non-context object. |
503 | ReaderBucketError10 | Indexer searches require node be fully up. |
501 | ReaderBucketError11 | Indexer searches are not available for this domain/bucket. |
400 | ReaderBucketError2 | List request must not provide both 'domains' and 'domain' query arg. |
400 | ReaderBucketError3 | List request must provide either a 'domain' or 'domains' query arg. |
412 | ReaderBucketError4 | Supplied realm does not exist. |
400 | ReaderBucketError5 | List request must not provide a UUID. |
417 | ReaderBucketError6 | List operations do not support any 'Expect' headers. |
501 | ReaderBucketError7 | List operations unavailable because indexer is not configured. |
501 | ReaderBucketError8 | List operations require Indexing Feed, but none currently available. |
400 | ReaderBucketError9 | Indexer searches on selected field not supported. |
404 | ReaderCacheDeleted2 | Requested object was found with a delete marker. |
409 | ReaderContextMismatch | Object context mismatch. Invalid domain or possible attempt to tamper with data. |
409 | ReaderContextMismatch2 | Object context mismatch. Invalid domain or possible attempt to tamper with data. |
409 | ReaderContextMismatch3 | Domain specified for untenanted object. |
500 | ReaderDeleteError | Disk error on open. |
500 | ReaderDeleteException | Exception deleting object. |
412 | ReaderDeleteNoExist | Failed to open object for deletion. |
503 | ReaderDeleteNoSpace | Not enough space in node. |
401 | ReaderDeleteNotAuthorized | Unauthorized administrative request. |
403 | ReaderDeleteNotDeletable | object is not deletable at this time, based on its lifepoint policy. |
404 | ReaderDeleteNotFound | Object has been deleted. |
503 | ReaderDeleteOutOfMemory | Not enough index memory to complete the operation. Try again. |
500 | ReaderDifferent | Named object lookup failure. |
503 | ReaderIndexError | Index error: try again. |
0 | ReaderIndexError2 | Index error. |
400 | ReaderIndexError3 | Malformed listing request. |
409 | ReaderInvalidCID | Object context mismatch. Invalid domain or possible attempt to tamper with data. |
409 | ReaderInvalidCID2 | Object context mismatch. Domain specified for untenanted object. |
400 | ReaderInvalidFields | Fewer sort fields than marker values not supported. |
400 | ReaderInvalidFormat | Invalid format value. Must be one of: json, xml. |
400 | ReaderInvalidHeader | {0} header for remote cluster must be different than setting. |
400 | ReaderInvalidHeader2 | {0} header value should be in the form :. |
400 | ReaderInvalidHeader3 | {0} header value should be of the form :. |
400 | ReaderInvalidHeaders | Error formatting object headers. |
409 | ReaderInvalidId | Mutable objects must be deleted by name or alias. |
500 | ReaderInvalidManifest | Invalid manifest. |
500 | ReaderInvalidManifest2 | Invalid manifest. |
400 | ReaderInvalidRead | Destination cluster reports 400 on read request. |
504 | ReaderInvalidRead2 | Cannot connect to destination. |
0 | ReaderInvalidRead3 | Unexpected destination cluster response. |
502 | ReaderInvalidRead4 | Destination server version does not support remote replication. |
502 | ReaderInvalidRead5 | Invalid destination server version. |
502 | ReaderInvalidRead6 | Destination server is not recognized. |
502 | ReaderInvalidRead7 | Destination server name is not provided. |
400 | ReaderInvalidRecursive | 'Recursive' query arg must be an integer. |
400 | ReaderInvalidStreamResults | Invalid streamresults value. Must be one of: true, false, yes, no. |
400 | ReaderInvalidStreamType | Invalid stype value. Must be one of: {0}. |
500 | ReaderInvalidType | Unexpected manifest object type. |
400 | ReaderInvalidUUID | Missing or invalid UUID. |
409 | ReaderInvalidUploadId | UploadID in object was not found or does not match UploadID in request. |
400 | ReaderInvalidVersion | {0} header not allowed on non-administrative requests. |
400 | ReaderInvalidVersion2 | {0} header must be a float. |
400 | ReaderInvalidVolume | Invalid volume specified. |
400 | ReaderInvalidVolume2 | Volume specified is not ready. |
500 | ReaderMissingDigest | Partial object, has no digest. |
412 | ReaderNoManifest | No manifest on a non-EC object. |
502 | ReaderNoSources | Could not find a source for RETRIEVE operation. |
503 | ReaderNotFound2 | Requested object was not found on disk: try again. |
404 | ReaderNotFound3 | Attempting to read a version not associated with this nid. |
404 | ReaderNotFound5 | Attempting to read a version not associated with this alias. |
500 | ReaderNotFound6 | Alias object lookup failure. |
503 | ReaderNotFound7 | Object version found is obsolete; try again. |
500 | ReaderNotFound8 | IOError opening existing object. |
503 | ReaderNotFound9 | Object exists but is not readable; try again later. |
0 | ReaderNotFoundAlreadyDeleted | Requested object was not found, already deleted. |
404 | ReaderNotFoundCacheDeleted | Requested object was found with a delete marker. |
404 | ReaderNotFoundPolicy | Destination object is not found, is deleted by policy. |
404 | ReaderNotFoundProxy | Primary UUID not found while proxying object. |
0 | ReaderProxyError | Failed to read object necessary to proxy. |
502 | ReaderRequiresCluster | Destination is not set. |
502 | ReaderRequiresClusterMatch | Destination differs from expected. |
400 | ReaderRequiresHeader | SEND request requires {0} header. |
400 | ReaderRequiresHeader2 | {0} header not provided on request. |
0 | ReaderRequiresMarker | Failed to create delete marker in cluster. |
503 | ReaderRequiresMarker2 | Exception trying to create delete marker in cluster. |
400 | ReaderRequiresName | setting is required for SEND request. |
0 | ReaderRequiresRead | Unexpected read error attempting to proxy object. |
500 | ReaderRequiresRead2 | Unexpected exception when proxying for EC manifest. |
0 | ReaderSegmentError | Unable to read a segment. |
0 | ReaderSegmentError2 | Unable to info a segment. |
0 | ReaderSegmentError3 | Unable to read a segment. |
500 | ReaderSegmentError4 | Unknown read error. |
410 | ReaderSegmentError5 | Not enough segments found to service request. |
500 | ReaderSegmentError6 | Caught RequestError during ec segment prepare. |
0 | ReaderSegmentError7 | Unable to info segment. |
401 | ReaderUnauthorized | Unauthorized administrative request. |
401 | ReaderUnauthorizedInternode | Unauthorized internode request. Segments requests require admin auth. |
503 | ReaderUnavailableIndex | Search index unavailable. Wait indexer.insertBatchTimeout seconds and try again or check log for indexer errors: try again. |
503 | ReaderUnavailableIndexer | Indexer server unavailable |
500 | ReaderUnexpectedBatch | Batch handler exception. |
500 | ReaderUnexpectedJournal | Could not iterate journal. |
500 | ReaderUnexpectedStatus | Error computing status page. |
500 | ReaderUnexpectedType | Unexpected object type. |
400 | RequiredBidLength | Either a content length header or extentsize query arg is required to create a bid. |
400 | RequiredLength | A request must specify a length or qualify for EC in order to estimate required license space. |
400 | RequiresAdmin | Domain rename requires 'admin' queryArg. |
409 | RequiresBasisGeneration | Generation of basis stream has changed since init. |
409 | RequiresBasisHeader | The initiate object does not refer to the request object. |
410 | RequiresBasisStreamNotFound | Could not find basis object. |
400 | RequiresCluster | {0} not specified on request. |
411 | RequiresContentLength | Content-Length not provided for non-EC request. |
411 | RequiresContentLength2 | Content-Length must be provided and must be zero for COPY request. |
400 | RequiresContext | The 'recreatecid' query arg requires that either a domain or bucket is specified on the request. |
412 | RequiresContext2 | Cannot find required domain or bucket. |
400 | RequiresDecorates | {0} header object was not found. |
412 | RequiresDomain | Request requires a domain specification. |
412 | RequiresDomain2 | Tenancy enforced and failed to find or load domain '{0}'. If creating a domain, include the 'Content-type: application/castorcontext' header. |
412 | RequiresDomain3 | A loadable domain must be specified when enforceTenancy=True. |
400 | RequiresDomain4 | Part upload for tenanted write must include domain query arg. |
400 | RequiresEncoding | Multipart writes must specify a valid EC encoding in the cluster, or on the request. |
409 | RequiresEncoding2 | Could not find encoding header in initiated object. |
409 | RequiresEncoding3 | Encoding has changed on the basis since the initiate. |
409 | RequiresEncoding4 | Could not find encoding header in basis object. |
400 | RequiresExplicitBucket | Bucket creation requires the 'Content-type: application/castorcontext' header. |
400 | RequiresExplicitContext | Context creation requires the 'Content-type: application/castorcontext' header. |
507 | RequiresHealthReporting | Health reporting is required by license. |
410 | RequiresInitiateStream | Initiate object could not be found. |
410 | RequiresInitiateStream2 | Initiate object has been deleted. |
400 | RequiresInitiated | Part upload must specify the uuid or name of the initiated object. |
400 | RequiresLocalCluster | {0} value must refer to the local cluster on an administrative request. |
412 | RequiresLocalCluster2 | {0} value must refer to the local cluster on an administrative request. |
400 | RequiresName | 'Cid' queryArg requires a named content or domain specification. |
403 | RequiresOwned | Attempted owner access to a non-owned object. |
403 | RequiresRealm | Content specified unknown realm. |
400 | RequiresRecursiveQueryArg | All DELETES on a context must include the recursive query arg. |
400 | RequiresRemoteCluster | {0} value must refer to a remote cluster. |
400 | RequiresSourceHeader | {0} header not sent on request. |
400 | RequiresUUIDName | Missing or invalid UUID. |
409 | RequiresUniqueCreated | {0} must be unique. |
409 | RequiresUniqueVersion | {0} must be unique. |
400 | RequiresValidEncoding | Multipart writes must specify a valid EC encoding in the cluster, or on the request. |
409 | RequiresVersionHeader | {0} header requires {1} header. |
409 | RequiresVersionHeader2 | {0} header requires {1} header. |
0 | SecurityRealmFailure | Failed to load context '{0}'. |
0 | SecurityStreamFailure | Failed to load object. |
503 | ServerFinalizing | Server cannot process client requests at this time: try again. |
503 | ServerFinalizing2 | Server cannot process client requests at this time: try again. |
503 | ServerFinalizing3 | Server cannot process client requests at this time: try again. |
503 | ServerInitializing | Server cannot process client requests at this time: try again. |
503 | ServerInitializing2 | Server cannot process client requests at this time: try again. |
503 | ServerInitializing3 | Server cannot process client requests at this time: try again. |
0 | UnexpectedException | Unexpected exception. |
503 | UnexpectedExceptionMeta | Unable to load object metadata for APPEND: try again. |
503 | UnexpectedExceptionMeta2 | Unable to load object metadata for COPY: try again. |
401 | VariantAuthError | Unauthorized administrative request. |
400 | VariantAuthError2 | The variant query argument may not be used on internal administrative requests. |
400 | VariantContextError | The variant query argument may not be used for context updates. |
400 | VariantContextError2 | The variant query argument may not be used for context updates. |
400 | VariantForceDomainError | The forcedomain query argument may only be used on an unnamed variant COPY request. |
412 | VariantForceDomainError2 | The forcedomain query argument cannot change an existing domain. |
412 | VariantForceDomainError3 | The forcedomain query argument does not specify an existing domain. |
400 | VariantMethodError | The variant query argument may only be used with COPY or PUT methods, not {0}. |
409 | VersionCidInvalid | Object context mismatch. Domain specified for untenanted object. |
409 | VersionCidMismatch | Object context mismatch. Context id on request does not match context in object. |
503 | VersionDoesNotExist | Out-of-date version: try again. |
503 | VersionDoesNotExist2 | Out-of-date version: try again. |
404 | VersionNotFound | Requested object was found with a delete marker. |
401 | VersionUnauthorized | Unauthorized administrative request. |
500 | VersionUnexpectedError | Error opening existing anchor object. |
409 | VersionUpdateError | Alias updates occurring too quickly. Make sure clocks are synced. |
500 | WriteFailure | {0} |
500 | WriteFailure2 | {0} |
500 | WriteFailure3 | {0} |
500 | WriteFailure4 | {0} |
409 | WriterBundleDuplicate | Object already exists. |
500 | WriterBundleError | IOError creating bundled object. |
500 | WriterBundleException | Exception creating bundled disk object. |
503 | WriterBundleNoSpace | Not enough space in node. |
410 | WriterChecksumFailure | Checksum failure trying to GEN ec segment. |
409 | WriterDeleteNoExist | Object has been deleted. |
400 | WriterExcessMetaData | Too much persisted metadata. |
412 | WriterHeaderMismatch | {0} header does not match {1} header. |
400 | WriterInvalidContentLength | Content length for EC object exceeds maximum supported size ec.maxSupported. |
409 | WriterInvalidContentMD5 | Calculated composite MD5 does not match provided composite MD5. |
412 | WriterInvalidEncoding | Invalid encoding header. |
400 | WriterInvalidExtent | 'extentsize' must be greater than or equal to contentLength. |
0 | WriterInvalidExtentArg | 'extentsize' must be an integer. |
0 | WriterInvalidInfo | Failed initiating info of part. |
400 | WriterInvalidManifest | Could not parse part manifest. |
400 | WriterInvalidPartDict | Invalid completion manifest. Parts entries must be dictionaries. |
400 | WriterInvalidPartDict2 | Invalid completion manifest. Ranges entries must be dictionaries. |
400 | WriterInvalidPartId | Each part in the part manifest must contain a part number and a uuid, or a range. |
400 | WriterInvalidPartId2 | Each part in the part manifest must contain a part number and a uuid. |
400 | WriterInvalidPartNumber | Part number found in part ({0}) does not match part number in completion manifest ({1}). |
400 | WriterInvalidPartUuid | Part uuid string was not valid UUID. |
400 | WriterInvalidPartUuid2 | Part uuid string was not valid UUID. |
400 | WriterInvalidPath | x-castor-copy-source was not valid UUID. |
400 | WriterInvalidRange | x-castor-copy-source-range was not valid. |
416 | WriterInvalidRange2 | x-castor-copy-source-range was not satisfiable. Cannot start past the end of the content. |
416 | WriterInvalidRange3 | x-castor-copy-source-range was not satisfiable. Start must be less than end. |
416 | WriterInvalidRange4 | x-castor-copy-source-range was not satisfiable. End extends past the end of the content. |
400 | WriterInvalidReplicationPost | Content-Type: {0} is only appropriate on an authorized admin POST. |
412 | WriterInvalidSegment | Segment is not part of this set. |
400 | WriterInvalidSetCount | Total EC encoded sets will exceed maximum number of sets for this segment size. Try a larger segment size. |
400 | WriterInvalidSort | Allowed values for sortOrder are 'part' and 'natural.' |
400 | WriterInvalidType | Unknown manifest type in segment header. |
400 | WriterInvalidType2 | Unknown manifest type in manifest header. |
400 | WriterInvalidUploadId | UploadID in part does not match UploadID provided in request. |
409 | WriterLocked | A request for the specified object is already in progress on this node. |
409 | WriterLocked2 | Simultaneous internode writes of same bundle UUID. |
409 | WriterLocked3 | A request for the specified alias object is already in progress on this node. |
409 | WriterLocked4 | A request for the specified named object is already in progress on this node. |
503 | WriterLocked5 | A request for the specified object is already in progress on this node. |
400 | WriterMD5Mismatch | Persisted {0} did not match value on request. |
400 | WriterMD5Mismatch2 | Persisted {0} did not match value on EC request. |
400 | WriterManifestBadCO | contentOffset must be a number zero or greater. |
400 | WriterManifestBadSize | Size must be a number zero or greater. |
500 | WriterManifestIncomplete | Could not parse the manifest. |
500 | WriterManifestIncomplete2 | Could not parse the manifest. |
400 | WriterManifestInvalidContentLength | Query arg 'contentLength' must be a number; at least zero. |
400 | WriterManifestInvalidPartOffset | Part offset must be a number of zero or greater. |
400 | WriterManifestInvalidPartUuid2 | Could not form uuid from uuid string. |
400 | WriterManifestInvalidStartSize | Can not specify a size and offset that exceeds the bounds of a part, for part number {0}. |
400 | WriterManifestInvalidValue | Generated value must be a single character. |
400 | WriterManifestMissingPartNumber | Every uuid entry must have a part number. |
400 | WriterManifestMissingShrink | Truncating an object with PATCH requires the 'shrink' query arg. |
400 | WriterManifestNoContentRange | Every range must have a contentOffset specified. |
400 | WriterManifestNoSize | Every range must have a size specified. |
400 | WriterManifestOverlap | Content ranges can not overlap. |
400 | WriterManifestOverwrite | Can not write past specified contentLength. |
400 | WriterManifestUUIDAndValue | A range can not specify both a uuid and a generated value. |
500 | WriterMissingLocalMD5 | A replica did not compute the Content-MD5. |
500 | WriterMissingRemoteMD5 | A remote replica did not compute the Content-MD5. |
409 | WriterNotPermitted | Operation not permitted. |
409 | WriterNotPermitted2 | Operation not permitted. |
409 | WriterOutOfDate | Cannot POST out-of-date version. |
503 | WriterOutOfMemory | Out of memory: try again. |
503 | WriterOutOfSpace | Not enough space in node. |
409 | WriterParallelBasisFail | Basis object is no longer ECed. |
409 | WriterParallelBasisFail2 | Basis object is no longer ECed. |
500 | WriterParallelDeleteException | Unexpected exception trying to delete init manifest. |
0 | WriterParallelDeleteFail | Failed to delete init manifest. |
503 | WriterParallelObsolete | Object version found is obsolete; try again. |
503 | WriterParallelObsolete2 | Object version found is obsolete; try again. |
503 | WriterParallelOpenFail | Failed to open object; try again. |
503 | WriterParallelOpenFail2 | Failed to open object; try again. |
0 | WriterPartReadFailure | Unable to read part. |
0 | WriterProxyFailure | Replication peer request failed. |
412 | WriterProxyRequiresHeaders | Replication peer request failed. |
503 | WriterRequiresConnection | Unable to connect to peer. |
409 | WriterRequiresContentMD5 | Missing required Content-MD5 on part {0}. |
412 | WriterRequiresCreated | {0} header is required. |
0 | WriterRequiresDestination | Replication peer failed to specify destination volume. |
412 | WriterRequiresEncoding | {0} header is required. |
0 | WriterRequiresExtentsize | 'extentSize' argument is required for chunked transfer encoding. |
412 | WriterRequiresExtentsize2 | 'extentsize' query arg is required. |
500 | WriterRequiresExtentsize3 | ProxyWriter requires extentSize when writing in chunked mode. |
412 | WriterRequiresGeneration | {0} header is required. |
400 | WriterRequiresMD5 | Validating the Content-MD5 on an EC COPY requires an existing Content-MD5 stored on the object. |
400 | WriterRequiresManifest | The complete manifest was not provided. |
500 | WriterRequiresManifest2 | Unable to create manifest. |
500 | WriterRequiresManifest3 | Unable to create manifest. |
500 | WriterRequiresManifest4 | Unable to create manifest. |
500 | WriterRequiresManifest5 | Unable to create manifest. |
500 | WriterRequiresManifest6 | Unable to create manifest. |
500 | WriterRequiresManifest7 | Unable to write manifest. |
412 | WriterRequiresNodes | Unable to find sufficient nodes for replication. |
507 | WriterRequiresNodes2 | Based on ec.protectionLevel=node, and ec.allowMultipleSegmentsPerLevel, this write cannot succeed. |
500 | WriterRequiresPartManifest | Invalid part manifest. |
400 | WriterRequiresPartlist | Completion manifest contained no valid parts. |
400 | WriterRequiresParts2 | Part manifest must contain a populated 'parts' or 'ranges' key, but not both. |
400 | WriterRequiresPatch | Multipart upload must be initiated by PATCH to supply a range on contentLength on the completion. |
400 | WriterRequiresRange | Multipart upload by PATCH requires a 'range' key, and does not accept a 'parts' key on completion. |
410 | WriterRequiresRead | Unable to read part. |
410 | WriterRequiresRead2 | Unable to read part. |
503 | WriterRequiresReplicas | Not enough replicas to succeed. Failing pipeline. |
507 | WriterRequiresReplicas2 | Could not find at least two nodes to do replicate on write. |
503 | WriterRequiresReplicas3 | No replicas were created. |
412 | WriterRequiresSegment | {0} header is required. |
412 | WriterRequiresSiblings | {0} header is required. |
412 | WriterRequiresSource | Could not find source object. |
410 | WriterRequiresStreams | Unable to read sufficient objects to complete GEN request. |
507 | WriterRequiresSubclusters | Based on ec.protectionLevel=subcluster, and ec.allowMultipleSegmentsPerLevel, this write cannot succeed. |
412 | WriterRequiresUniqueCreated | Unique {0} header is required. |
400 | WriterRequiresUniqueParts | Duplicate part number received in completion manifest. |
503 | WriterRequiresVolume | Targeted volume is not present. |
503 | WriterRequiresVolume2 | Targeted volume is not available. |
400 | WriterSegmentOverflow | Request exceeds the segment limit. |
400 | WriterSegmentOverflow2 | Request exceeds the segment limit. |
503 | WriterSequenceObsolete | Object version found is obsolete; try again. |
503 | WriterSequenceObsolete2 | Object version found is obsolete; try again. |
503 | WriterShutdown | Node shutdown: try again. |
400 | WriterSizeLimit | EC encoded sets size exceeds supported size ec.maxSupported on APPEND. |
412 | WriterTimeout | Timed out waiting for peer write. |
400 | WriterTooMuchData | Too much data written for body. |
500 | WriterTooMuchData2 | Object failed to generate digest. |
400 | WriterTypeConflict | An object may not be both a segment and a manifest. |
401 | WriterUnauthorized | Unauthorized internode request. |
401 | WriterUnauthorized2 | Unauthorized internode request. |
401 | WriterUnauthorized3 | Unauthorized internode request. |
500 | WriterUnexpectedException2 | Unexpected exception in StreamWrite. |
503 | WriterVolumeFailed | Volume failed, try again. |
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