Formatting SCSP Commands

Formatting SCSP Commands


All commands include specific formats for named objects and for unnamed objects.

When to Include Domain and Host

Domain is required is for SCSP methods on a domain object itself. Neither domain nor Host is required for requests within the default cluster domain; otherwise, the domain name must be passed as the Host in the request. A cluster needs to have one domain with the same name as the cluster, which sets up a default cluster domain.

Client applications most often send the domain name as the Host in the request. The client can supply the domain argument to explicitly override any value from the Host request header when the Host header does not match the domain name, . A domain argument always has precedence over the Host header in the HTTP/1.1 request.

Calling Named Objects

The named object format is:

METHOD /bucketname/objectname[?query-arguments] HTTP/1.1


  • bucketname is a URL-encoded identifier that cannot contain slash characters or any other character not allowed in HTTP URL

  • objectname is any legitimate URL, which can contain slash characters.

Calling Unnamed Objects

The unnamed object format is:

METHOD /[uuid][?query-arguments] HTTP/1.1

Specify the UUID with all SCSP methods except WRITE, in which case the cluster returns the UUID in the response if the write is successful.


Use a HOST header equivalent to the cluster name, the host IP address, or a domain=clusterName query argument on all requests even if not using domains for other purposes when writing unnamed objects.


Verify the application is not passing a HOST header equal to neither an IP address nor a domain that exists in the cluster unless the host header matches the cluster name when writing unnamed objects. Swarm attempts to look up the non-existent domain on every request and waits for multiple retries before the lookup times out, impacting performance.

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