Search Examples

Search Examples

These examples of how to search Swarm are demonstrated through curl. 

Queries for Buckets


For queries within a single bucket, include the bucket in the URL; the filter context=<domain>/<bucketname>does not need to be added.

Query with fields, not involving context
curl -i -X GET  "http://{cluster}?format=json&domain=example.com &fields=name,content-length"
Query with fields, retrieving context as one of the fields
curl -i -X GET  "http://{cluster}?format=json&domain=example.com &fields=name,content-length,context"
Retrieving context as one of the fields and sorting on context
curl -i -X GET  "http://{cluster}?format=json&domain=example.com &fields=name,content-length,context&sort=context:asc" curl -i -X GET  "http://{cluster}?format=json&domain=example.com &fields=name,content-length,contextid,context&sort=context:desc"
List objects >1GB, sorted by size descending
Sorting on multiple fields, context, and name, in different orderings
Listing query, retrieving context as one of the fields, sorting on multiple fields with context

Queries for Named Objects

Retrieving context as one of the fields
Retrieving context as one of the fields and sorting on context
Sorting on context and another field in different orderings
Sorting and inequality context filters
Sorting and wildcard context filter
Sorting and context marker and multiple markers
With du argument, withreps and withoutreps

Queries for Unnamed Objects

With context sort

Queries for Named and Unnamed Objects

With context sort
With context wildcard filter

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