A.1 FileFly Tools
The following ports must be free before installing FileFly Tools:
- 8080 (Admin Portal web interface – configurable during installation)
- 8005
The following ports are used for outgoing connections:
- 4604-4609 (inclusive)
Any firewall should be configured to allow incoming and outgoing communication on the above ports.
A.2 FileFly Agent / FileFly FPolicy Server
The following ports must be free before installing FileFly Agent or FileFly FPolicy Server:
- 4604-4609 (inclusive)
Any firewall should be configured to allow incoming and outgoing communication on the above ports.
For 7-mode FileFly FPolicy Servers, the firewall should also allow incoming NetBIOS traffic, e.g. enable the ‘File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In)’ rule in Windows Firewall.
Other Ports
FileFlyTM plugins may require other ports to be opened in any firewalls to access secondary storage from FileFly Gateway machines.
Please consult specific device or service documentation for further information.
FileFly 2 support expires on April 2020. Contact DataCore for help licensing and migrating to the current version of FileFly. See the License change instructions in the FileFly 3.1 Release Notes.
- FileFly 2 Release Notes
- FileFly 2 Administration Guide
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Deployment
- 3 Policy Operations
- 4 Sources and Destinations
- 5 FileFly Admin Portal Reference
- 6 Configuration Backup
- 7 Storage Backup
- 8 System Upgrade
- 9 Disaster Recovery
- A Network Ports
- B File and Directory Exclusion Examples
- C Admin Portal Security Configuration
- D Advanced FileFly Agent Configuration
- E Troubleshooting