6 Configuration Backup
6.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how to backup Caringo FileFlyTM configuration (for primary and secondary storage backup considerations, see Chapter 7).
6.2 Backing Up FileFly Tools
Backing up the Caringo FileFly Tools configuration will preserve policy configuration and server registrations as configured in the FileFly Admin Portal.
Backup Process
Configuration backup can be scheduled on the Admin Portal’s ‘Settings’ page – see §5.10. A default schedule is created at installation time to backup configuration once a week.
Configuration backup files include:
- Policy configuration
- Server registrations
- DrTool files
- Settings from the Admin Portal ‘Settings’ page
- Settings specified when FileFly Tools was installed
It is recommended that these backup files are retrieved and stored securely as part of your overall backup plan. These backup files can be found at:
C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\data\AdminPortal\configBackups Additionally, log files may be backed up from:
- C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\logs\AdminPortal\
- C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\logs\DrTool\
Restore Process
- Ensure that the server to be restored to has the same FQDN as the original server
- If present, uninstall Caringo FileFly Tools
- Run the installer: Caringo FileFly Tools.exe
- use the same version that was used to generate the backup file
- On the ‘Installation Type’ page, select ‘Restore from Backup’
- Choose the backup zip file and follow the instructions
- Optionally, log files may be restored from server backups to:
- C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\logs\AdminPortal\
- C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\logs\DrTool\
6.3 Backing Up FileFly Agent / FileFly FPolicy Server
Backing up the Caringo FileFly Agent configuration on each server will allow for easier redeployment of agents in the event of disaster.
6.3.1 Windows
Backup Process
On each Caringo FileFly Agent and FileFly FPolicy Server machine backup the entire installation directory.
e.g. C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\
Restore Process
- On each replacement server:
- Install the same version of Caringo FileFly Agent or FileFly FPolicy Server as normal (see §2.3.3 )
- Stop the ‘Caringo FileFly Agent’ service
- Restore the contents of the following directories from backup:
- C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\data\FileFly Agent\
- C:\Program Files\Caringo FileFly\logs\FileFly Agent\
- Restart the ‘Caringo FileFly Agent’ service
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