8 System Upgrade

8 System Upgrade

When a FileFly deployment is upgraded from a previous version, FileFly Tools must always be upgraded first, followed by all FileFly Agent and FileFly FPolicy Server components. Any installed plugins will be upgraded automatically during FileFly Agent upgrade.

All components must be upgraded to the same version unless otherwise specified.

8.1 Upgrade Procedure

  1. On the Admin Portal ‘Overview’ tab, click Suspend Scheduler
  2. Run the Caringo FileFly Tools.exe installer
  3. Upgrade all FileFly Agents and FileFly FPolicy Servers (see §8.2)
  4. Resolve any warnings displayed on the ‘Overview’ tab
  5. On the ‘Overview’ tab, click Start Scheduler

8.2 Automated Server Upgrade

Where possible, it is advisable to upgrade FileFly Agents and FileFly FPolicy Servers using the automated upgrade feature. This can be accessed from the Admin Portal ‘Servers’ tab by clicking Upgrade Servers.

The automated process transfers installers to each server and performs the upgrades in parallel to minimize downtime. If a server fails or is offline during the upgrade, manually upgrade it later. Once the automated upgrade procedure is finalized, the ‘Servers’ tab will update to display the health of the upgraded servers.

Automated upgrade is available for Windows Server 2008 R2+ FileFly Agents and FileFly FPolicy Servers.

8.3 Manual Server Upgrade

Follow the instructions appropriate for the platform of each server as described below. Plugins and configuration will be updated automatically.

8.3.1 FileFly Agent for Windows

  1. Run Caringo FileFly Agent.exe and follow the instructions
  2. Check the Admin Portal ‘Servers’ tab for warnings
  3. Run Caringo FileFly NetApp FPolicy Server.exe and follow the instructions
  4. Check the Admin Portal ‘Servers’ tab for warnings

8.3.2 FileFly NetApp FPolicy Server

  1. Run Caringo FileFly NetApp FPolicy Server.exe and follow the instructions
  2. Check the Admin Portal ‘Servers’ tab for warnings

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