Abort and Installation Behavior
Swarm Cluster Installer displays an error if a user aborts the Elasticsearch, Gateway and/or Telemetry installation during the execution of the below command and then tries to install again. The execution of /cmd/terraform?params=apply --var-file Elasticsearch.tfvars --var-file common.tfvars -target vsphere_virtual_machine.es_vm --auto-approve&cwd=/opt/dat...
command starts at nearly 30-35% installation. This command creates VMs.
The workaround for not getting this error is:
Shut down all the VMs that have been created.
Delete the VMs.
Install again.
There is no need to delete the VMs created if the user aborts the installation after execution of the above command and can reinstall the Elasticsearch, Gateway, and Telemetry.
Swarm Installer displays an error as the installer finds these VMs already exist if the user tries to install without deleting VMs that were created before aborting the procedure.
If you misconfigured the netmask during SCS installation step, you will need to restart the pre-launcher installation from the beginning.
If you misconfigured any static IP address , for example you set the gateway storage IP to the elasticsearch storage IP, then ansible will deploy the gateway role on the elasticsearch VM and you will need to re-deploy the entire installation.
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