S3 Backup Feeds to Seagate Lyve

S3 Backup Feeds to Seagate Lyve


Objects in the S3 backup bucket are wholly dedicated to disaster recovery for Swarm and are not for general use by owners of the account where the bucket resides. Consider this feature a restricted form of S3, with constraints on the bucket's namespace that support Swarm's ability to backup and restore. For this reason, do not expect the namespace to be end-user-friendly.

Swarm S3 backups to Seagate Lyve targets are verified. To implement an S3 backup feed, complete a one-time set-up of the destination: set up an account with Seagate Lyve and then create an S3 bucket dedicated to backing up this cluster.

Setting up the S3 Bucket


Swarm has the Seagate Lyve access granted as part of this configuration. Neither the S3 Backup feed nor the https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443815581 administers the S3 credentials or creates any S3 buckets in Seagate Lyve.

These instructions are for Seagate Lyve cloud storage, but any Internet-based S3 service has similar functionality:

  1. Service - If needed, sign up for Seagate Lyve:

  2. Record these values for configuring the S3 Backup feed in Swarm.

    1. Bucket Name

    2. Endpoint

    3. S3 Key Pair - Create an S3 key pair dedicated to Swarm access.

      • Access Key ID

      • Secret Access Key

Configuring the S3 Backup Feed

Create a new S3 backup feed with Seagate Lyve as the target on the Swarm side.

  1. Open the Cluster > Feeds page in the Swarm Storage UI.

  2. Click + Add at the top right.

  3. Select the feed type S3 Backup.

  4. Provide the following values. See https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443815149 for details on these fields.

    • Name - For description, such as "Replication to Seagate Lyve"

    • Endpoint - Include the complete endpoint, without the bucket: s3.us-east-1.lyvecloud.seagate.com

    • Region - This example uses the us-east-1 storage region. Check with Seagate Lyve Support for any other region.

    • Bucket - Enter the newly created bucket, which is dedicated to backing up the Swarm cluster.

    • Credentials - Paste in both the Access key name and Secret Key

    • Use SSL - Yes

      See https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443815149 for details on all field options.

  5. Verify the new S3 backup appears in the list of Swarm feeds on the Cluster > Feeds dashboard.

    See https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443814122 for more details on feed administration in Swarm.


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