Platform CLI Commands
The Swarm Platform configures and manages Swarm storage clusters. This command line interface helps you automate your hardware management tasks by letting you script common, high-level management tasks around cluster and node deployment:
Cluster |
Chassis |
Software |
CLI Commands
platform add adminuser
Add an admin user to the Storage cluster
Add a new admin user to the storage cluster. Can also be used to update the password for an existing admin user.
When updating the password for the snmp user, a cluster restart is required for the change to take effect. The cluster does not need to be running to change the password.
When updating the password for any non-snmp user, the cluster must be running for operation to succeed.
platform add adminuser [flags]
--askpassword Use to read password from stdin (optional)
-h, --help help for adminuser
--password string The password to use
--update Use to just update the password for the given user (optional)
--username string The username to add
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add bonding-mode
Set default bonding mode
Sets the default bonding mode to use when booting Storage chassis.
platform add bonding-mode [flags]
--default-bonding-mode string The default bonding mode
-h, --help help for bonding-mode
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add config
Upload chassis config
Upload a chassis configuration file to the Platform server:
./platform upload config -c node10net.cfg
platform add config [flags]
-f, --file string The full path for a certificate file (optional)
-h, --help help for config
-m, --mac string The MAC address for a specific storage chassis (optional)
--name string The name of the setting
--override Used to set custom configuration settings (optional)
--value string The value of the setting
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add def-storage-version
Set default storage version
Sets the default storage version.
platform add def-storage-version [flags]
-h, --help help for def-storage-version
-v, --storageversion string The Storage image version to use
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add dhcp
Enable DHCP for another subnet
Used to Enable DHCP for an additional subnet other than the one provided during bootstrap
platform add dhcp [flags]
-z, --endip string The ending IP of the DHCP range to use
--force Use to force an unrecommended dynamic range
-h, --help help for dhcp
-a, --startip string The starting IP of the DHCP range to use
-t, --subnet string The subnet to use for DHCP
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add dns
Set the DNS server for a subnet
Used to set the DNS servers for a subnet
platform add dns [flags]
--dns string The DNS servers for the subnet (comma separated list)
-h, --help help for dns
-t, --subnet string The subnet to set dns for
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add gateway
Set the Gateway for a subnet
Used to set the gateway for a subnet
platform add gateway [flags]
--gateway string The gateway to use for the subnet
-h, --help help for gateway
-t, --subnet string The subnet to set gateway for
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add iprange
Add a reserved IP range
Add a new reserved range of IP addresses to a DHCP subnet:
./platform add iprange -a -z
platform add iprange [flags]
-z, --endip string The ending IP of the reserved range to use
-h, --help help for iprange
-a, --startip string The starting IP of the reserved range to use
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add kernelparam
Add a kernel parameter to a chassis
Add a kernel parameter to a chassis. Requires a reboot of the chassis.
platform add kernelparam [flags]
-h, --help help for kernelparam
--kernel_params string The kernel parameters to add
--replace Use to replace and not just append kernel parameters (optional))
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add
Add to the Platform node
Add to the Platform node using add subcommands
platform add [flags]
-h, --help help for add
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add ntpkey
Add an ntp control key
Add a new ntp control key for use by Swarm Storage
platform add ntpkey [flags]
-h, --help help for ntpkey
--key-file string The NTP key file to use. (default "/etc/ntpkey_md5_zinc")
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform add tag
Add a node tag
Add a tag to a chassis
platform add tag [flags]
-h, --help help for tag
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis
--tagName string The name of the tag go add
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform bootstrap
Prepare the Platform environment services for Storage node deployment
Bootstrap the Platform services, adding Storage images and prepare the Swarm cluster environment.
Bootstrapping the Platform server uploads a starting Storage image, identifies the subnet for DHCP and prepares the Platform server to support the Storage chassis with enlisting/commissioning images while creating settings needed for the boot of chassis to a chosen image:
./platform bootstrap -t -a -z -i ./ -v 9.1.1
platform bootstrap [flags]
-s, --dnssuffix string The default DNS domain suffix to use
-z, --endip string The ending IP of the DHCP range to use
--force Use to force an unrecommended dynamic range
-h, --help help for bootstrap
-i, --image string The full path for the Storage image
--offline Use for offline installations
--skipReady Use to skip the ready check, use with caution
-a, --startip string The starting IP of the DHCP range to use
-v, --storageversion string The version of Storage image to use
-t, --subnet string The subnet to use for DHCP
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform commission
Commissioning related commands
Commissioning related commands
platform commission [flags]
-h, --help help for commission
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform commission setimage
Set the commissioning image to use
Used to set the ubuntu distribution to use for commissioning.
platform commission setimage [flags]
--distro string The ubuntu distro (e.g. xenial, bionic) (default "bionic")
-h, --help help for setimage
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete adminuser
Delete an admin user to the Storage cluster
Delete a new admin user to the storage cluster
platform delete adminuser [flags]
-h, --help help for adminuser
--override Use to delete user even if Storage can not be notified of change. Use caution. (optional)
--username string The username to delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete allchassisconfig
Delete all chassis config settings
Clear all chassis configuration settings. This resets all settings back to their default.
NOTE: A cluster or chassis reboot is needed after this command is run.
platform delete allchassisconfig [flags]
--force Use to not prompt for verification
-h, --help help for allchassisconfig
-m, --mac string The MAC address for a specific storage node (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete allclusterconfig
Delete all cluster config settings
Clear all cluster configuration settings. This resets all settings back to their default.
NOTE: A cluster reboot is needed after this command is run.
platform delete allclusterconfig [flags]
--force Use to not prompt for verification
-h, --help help for allclusterconfig
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete bonding-mode
Delete default bonding mode
Delete the default bonding mode to use when booting Storage chassis.
platform delete bonding-mode [flags]
-h, --help help for bonding-mode
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete config
List node configuration
list config displays the configuration settings for the Swarm Storage cluster or for a single Storage chassis:
$> ./platform list config
platform delete config [flags]
-h, --help help for config
-m, --mac string The MAC address for a specific storage node (optional)
--propertyname string The name of the property to delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete iprange
Delete a reserved IP range
Delete a reserved range of IP addresses:
./platform delete iprange -a -z
platform delete iprange [flags]
-h, --help help for iprange
-a, --startip string The starting IP of the reserved range to use
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete kernelparam
Delete kernel parameters for a chassis
Delete kernel parameters for a chassis. Requires a reboot of the chassis.
platform delete kernelparam [flags]
-h, --help help for kernelparam
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete
Delete command
Delete objects using the subcommands
platform delete [flags]
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete proxyimage
Delete Service Proxy image
Delete Service Proxy software image:
platform delete proxyimage [flags]
-h, --help help for proxyimage
--version string The version of the Service Proxy to remove
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete rollingreboot
Cancel rolling reboot
Cancel a currently running rolling reboot.
This command can also be used to remove chassis from a currently running rolling reboot using the --chassis argument
platform delete rollingreboot [flags]
--cancel Do a full cancel of the rolling reboot
--chassis string List of chassis to remove from rolling reboot. A comma-separated list of system IDs (optional)
-h, --help help for rollingreboot
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete storageimages
Delete a Storage image
Delete a Swarm Storage image from the Platform server:
./platform delete storageimages -v 9.1base
platform delete storageimages [flags]
-h, --help help for storageimages
-v, --storageversion string The version of Storage image to delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform delete tag
Delete a node tag
Delete a tag to a chassis
platform delete tag [flags]
-h, --help help for tag
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis
--tagName string The name of the tag go add
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform deploy
Deploy command
Deploy command
platform deploy [flags]
-h, --help help for deploy
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform deploy proxy
Deploy Service Proxy
Deploy a local Service Proxy instance:
Deploy a new Service Proxy instance, supplying the zip file for upload. The Storage cluster is validated, guaranteeing there are at least 2 Storage nodes running with the cluster settings for enforceTenancy on and noauth on:
./platform deploy gateway -b ./
platform deploy proxy [flags]
-h, --help help for proxy
-b, --proxybundle string The full path for the Service Proxy bundle zip file
--skipChassisCheck Skip check for deployed chassis
--skipSettingsCheck Skip check gateway compliant settings
--upgrade Upgrade the currently running proxy
--version string The version of the Service Proxy to use
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform deploy storage
Deploy Storage chassis
Deploy Swarm Storage chassis with a selected Storage image.
Deploy Storage chassis by supplying the configuration file and number of chassis. Optionally deploy to a single chassis by specifying the systemid instead of a number of chassis:
./platform deploy storage -n 1 -c ./node10net.cfg -v 9.1.1
platform deploy storage [flags]
--askpassword Use to read password from stdin (optional)
--askpasswordClear Use to read password from stdin but echo input (optional)
--bondingMode string The network bonding mode to use for the chassis (optional)
-h, --help help for storage
--ipmiPassword string A custom password to use for IPMI control (optional)
--ipmiUser string A custom username to use for IPMI control (optional)
--kernelparams string general kernel params for the chassis (optional)
--manual Force the chassis you use manual power control (optional)
-n, --numchassis int The number of chassis to deploy
--skipCheck Skip test to make sure chassis is deployable (optional)
-c, --storageconfig string The full path for the Storage configuration (node.cfg) file
-v, --storageversion string The version of Storage image to use
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to deploy to (optional)
--upgrade Just do an upgrade operation (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list adminusers
List the current admin users for the Storage cluster
List the current admin users for the Storage cluster
platform list adminusers [flags]
-h, --help help for adminusers
--validate Validate the current passwords with Storage nodes to make sure they match (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list bonding-mode
Show default bonding mode
Show the default bonding mode to use when booting Storage chassis.
platform list bonding-mode [flags]
-h, --help help for bonding-mode
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list config
List node configuration
list config displays the configuration settings for the Swarm Storage cluster or for a single Storage chassis:
$> ./platform list config
platform list config [flags]
--all List all properties (optional)
-h, --help help for config
-m, --mac string The MAC address for a specific storage node (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list def-storage-version
Show the default storage version
Show the default storage version.
platform list def-storage-version [flags]
-h, --help help for def-storage-version
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list license
Used get the current license
Show the current license for storage cluster
platform list license [flags]
-h, --help help for license
--plain Use to list the license as plain text
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list
List configurations and objects in Platform
List configurations and objects in Platform
platform list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list nodes
Used to get a list of chassis
Shows a list of chassis that are currently being managed by Platform.
Each line of output represents a single chassis being managed by Platform. For each chassis the properties display in a space delimited list of key-value pairs:
./platform list nodes
platform list nodes [flags]
--dumpall Set to dump all the node properties
-h, --help help for nodes
--long Long format
--only-in-progress Use to only show chassis that are in the process of deploying (optional)
--only-system-id Use to only show System IDs (optional)
--os string Only show nodes that match a given OS (optional)
--osversion string Only show nodes that match a given OS version (optional)
--state string Only show nodes that match a given state (optional)
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to list information for (optional)
--tag string Only show nodes that match a given tag (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list proxyimages
List available Service Proxy images
Return the list of Service Proxy images available for deploying:
$> ./platform list proxyimages
Available Service Proxy image: 9.0.0
platform list proxyimages [flags]
-h, --help help for proxyimages
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list rackcontrollers
List available Rack Controllers
Return the list of rack controllers and their status.
platform list rackcontrollers [flags]
-h, --help help for rackcontrollers
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list registration-command
Used to get the MAAS Rack registration command
Show the command to execute on a MAAS Rack server to register with this Region Controller.
platform list registration-command [flags]
-h, --help help for registration-command
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list storageimages
List available Storage images
Return the list of Swarm Storage boot image available from the Platform node for deploying:
$> ./platform list storageimages
Available Storage image: 9.0.0
platform list storageimages [flags]
-h, --help help for storageimages
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list subnets
List subnets
List the known subnets and the reserved IP ranges for each:
./platform list subnets
platform list subnets [flags]
--all Show all available subnets
-h, --help help for subnets
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform list tags
List node tags
list all MAAS tags assigned to chassis
platform list tags [flags]
-h, --help help for tags
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
A CLI for the Platform node
A CLI for the Platform node
The Platform CLI provides a command line interface to the REST API
platform [flags]
--debug Enable debug logging
-h, --help help for platform
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
--version Print version info
platform pause
Pause command
Pause command
platform pause [flags]
-h, --help help for pause
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform pause rollingreboot
Pause rolling reboot
Pause a rolling reboot. The rolling reboot finishes processing the current chassis and then pause. It can be restarted later.
platform pause rollingreboot [flags]
-h, --help help for rollingreboot
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform release
Release command
Release command
platform release [flags]
-h, --help help for release
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform release proxy
Release Service Proxy
Release the local Service Proxy
platform release proxy [flags]
-h, --help help for proxy
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform release storagechassis
Release Storage chassis
Release Swarm Storage chassis.
Release Storage chassis by supplying the system id of the chassis.
platform release storagechassis [flags]
-h, --help help for storagechassis
--remove Use flag to delete the chassis altogether
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to release
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform restart
Restart command
Restart command
platform restart [flags]
-h, --help help for restart
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform restart proxy
Restart Service Proxy
Restart the local Service Proxy.
A restart is useful after a settings change. This subcommand restarts the local Service Proxy service:
./platform restart proxy
platform restart proxy [flags]
-h, --help help for proxy
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform restart storagecluster
Restart Storage Cluster
Restart the Storage cluster.
A restart is useful after a settings change. This subcommand restarts the Storage cluster:
./platform restart storagecluster
platform restart storagecluster [flags]
--chassis string List of chassis to include in a rolling reboot. A comma-separated list of system IDs (optional)
--continueWithOfflineChassis Use to continue with rolling reboot if a chassis is offline when reboot is attempted (optional)
--full Full reboot
-h, --help help for storagecluster
--rolling Rolling reboot
--skipConnectionTest Use to skip a test to make sure every chassis is up and reachable (optional)
--skipUptimeTest Use to skip a test to make sure every chassis has been up more than 30 minutes (optional)
--stopOnNodeError Use to stop rolling reboot if node boots into an error state (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform restart storagenode
Restart Storage node
Restart a Storage node.
platform restart storagenode [flags]
-h, --help help for storagenode
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to restart
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform resume
Resume command
Resume command
platform resume [flags]
-h, --help help for resume
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform resume rollingreboot
Resume rolling reboot
Resume a rolling reboot.
platform resume rollingreboot [flags]
--continueWithOfflineChassis Use to continue with rolling reboot if a chassis is offline when reboot is attempted (optional)
-h, --help help for rollingreboot
--skip Skip waiting for the current chassis to come back up and move to the next.
--stopOnNodeError Use to stop rolling reboot if node boots into an error state (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform status
Status command
Status command
platform status [flags]
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform status platform
Platform server status
Get status for the Platform server
platform status platform [flags]
-h, --help help for platform
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform status proxy
Service Proxy Status
Get status for Service Proxy
platform status proxy [flags]
-h, --help help for proxy
--short Short format
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform status rollingreboot
Rolling Reboot Status
Get status for a running rolling reboot
platform status rollingreboot [flags]
--completed Use to show completed jobs
-h, --help help for rollingreboot
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform status storagechassis
Storage Chassis Status
Get status for a Storage chassis
platform status storagechassis [flags]
-h, --help help for storagechassis
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to list status for
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform status storagecluster
Storage Cluster Status
Get status for Storage Cluster
platform status storagecluster [flags]
-h, --help help for storagecluster
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform subcluster assign
assign subcluster
Assign a chassis to a subcluster
platform subcluster assign [flags]
-h, --help help for assign
--subcluster string The name of the subcluster to assign the node to.
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to assign
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform subcluster list
Used to get a list of subcluster assignments
Shows a list of subclusters and their chassis assignments.
platform subcluster list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform subcluster
Perform subcluster assignment operations
Perform subcluster assignment operations
platform subcluster [flags]
-h, --help help for subcluster
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform subcluster unassign
unassign subcluster
Unassign a chassis to a subcluster
platform subcluster unassign [flags]
-h, --help help for unassign
-y, --systemid string The system_id of the chassis to unassign
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform upload config
Upload chassis config
Upload a chassis configuration file to the Platform server:
./platform upload config -c node10net.cfg
platform upload config [flags]
-c, --config-file string The full path for the storage configuration file
-h, --help help for config
-m, --mac string The MAC address for a specific storage chassis (optional)
--override Used to set custom configuration settings (optional)
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform upload license
Upload a Storage image license to the Platform node
Add a Swarm Storage license file to the Platform node:
./platform upload license --file “/home/admin/license.txt”
platform upload license [flags]
-f, --file string The full path for the Storage license file
-h, --help help for license
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform upload
Upload to Platform
Upload configs and binaries to Platform
platform upload [flags]
-h, --help help for upload
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
platform upload storageimages
Upload a new storage image to the Platform node
Add a new Swarm Storage boot image to the Platform server for deploying Storage chassis:
./platform upload storageimages --image “/home/admin/” --storageversion “8.2.0”
platform upload storageimages [flags]
-h, --help help for storageimages
-i, --image string The full path for the Storage image
-v, --storageversion string The version of Storage image to use
Options inherited from parent commands
--debug Enable debug logging
--port int Platform server node API port (default 8095)
--server string Platform server node IP address (default "")
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