Normal Responses to DELETE

See SCSP Headers for a list of response headers.

DELETE Response

The following response indicates that the content was found and is being deleted:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK   Castor-System-Cluster:   Castor-System-Created: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:16:54 GMT   Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded   Last-Modified: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:16:54 GMT    Etag: "06eec5e2c3f1aadcb41ef7fd52adc049"   Content-Length: 0   Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 21:43:51 GMT   Server: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0

DELETE Response for Versioning Enabled

The Castor-System-Delete-Marker-Etag header (e.g., “b529363121092e11da6dc1964faf1923”) is returned on a DELETE operation on a named or alias object that is either in the versioning enabled or versioning suspended state for the object. If versioning is disabled, the object is immutable or a context, and no such header is returned. Check the ETag of the delete marker (returned) by INFO-ing the deleted object and checking the returned ETag header.

DELETE Response for Moved Permanently

The following response indicates the content can be deleted as requested, but another node in the cluster completes the Delete. Additionally, all future requests of this storage cluster should be made through the new access node until another 301 response is received. The value of the Location header indicates which node in the cluster should receive the redirect. The client is expected to send another DELETE request using the exact URI contained in the Location header.

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently   Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMT   Server: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0    Location: http://node-ip/name-or-uuid?auth=2096EFA659295BBB819D1FECCE77D2EF   Content-Length: 0

DELETE Response for Moved Temporarily

The following response indicates the content can be deleted as requested, but another node in the cluster completes the Delete. All future requests of this storage cluster should be made through the new access node until another 301 response is received. The value of the Location header indicates which node in the cluster is assigned the redirect. The client is expected to send another DELETE request using the exact URI contained in the Location header.

HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect   Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMT   Server: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0    Location: http://node-ip/name-or-uuid?auth=2096EFA659295BBB819D1FECCE77D2EF   Content-Length: 0

This response is similar to the 301 response, except the client should continue to use the current node (the one generating this response) for future requests until further notice.

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