Uninstalling Elasticsearch

If you need to uninstall Elasticsearch for any reason, pause or delete the search feed before stopping the Elasticsearch service.

To uninstall the Search service:

  1. Pause or delete the search feed. (See Managing Feeds)

  2. Log in as root on the Elasticsearch server.

  3. Stop the Elasticsearch service and uninstall the service:

    yum remove caringo-elasticsearch-search yum remove elasticsearch

    This does not erase the packages, so the packages can be restored later if needed.

  4. The Metrics curator relies on the Elasticsearch service, so do one of the following:

    • Reconfigure Swarm Metrics (/etc/caringo-elasticsearch-metrics/metrics.cfg) to point to a different ES cluster (or remove cluster = <cluster-name>)

    • Uninstall Swarm Metrics 

      yum remove caringo-elasticsearch-metrics yum remove elasticsearch-curator

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