Manually Creating and Renaming Domains

Manually Creating and Renaming Domains

New domains can be created in a storage cluster in three ways:

  1. https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443817402 (preferred); see https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443818040.

  2. Programmatically, using Swarm SDK

  3. Manually, using cURL

Best Practice

  • Use the https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443817402 to create each new context (domain or bucket), because the UI automatically creates the corresponding domain managers and adds the correct protection settings to a cluster. Contact the cluster administrator to access the Content UI and create a new context if a new domain is needed.

  • Do not attempt to create domains and buckets manually unless the administrator is unavailable, Content UI access is unavailable, and have advanced user with experience in creating domains and buckets.

  • Create https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443811617 (protection settings) for domains and buckets matching the settings normally created by the Content UI. Contact DataCore Support for help manually enabling the protection settings.

  • Check the https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443811061 before creating any context objects. Unlike cluster names, domain and bucket names cannot include spaces.

SDK for Creating a Domain

The Swarm SDK version 1.4 and later includes classes assisting in creating a domain. The following table lists the classes and corresponding source code location in the SDK distribution.

See the https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2443822872.













cURL for Creating a Domain or Bucket

The example below shows how to create a domain with no domain protection setting, allowing any user to POST to the domain. For guidance on authentication, see https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443816796.

To create the domain manually, use the following syntax. Either the domain query argument or a Host header is required, even if the domain being created is the default cluster domain (see https://perifery.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443810945) because SCSP methods on a domain are executing.

Create a Domain

$ curl -i -X POST --location-trusted --post301 --anyauth --user 'admin:password' --data-binary '' \ -H 'Content-type: application/castorcontext' \ -H "Policy-*: {if needed}" \ 'http://{host}/?domain=newdomain.example.com'

Create a Bucket

$ curl -i -X POST --location-trusted --post301 --anyauth --user 'admin:password' --data-binary '' \ -H 'Content-type: application/castorcontext' \ -H "Policy-*: {if needed}" \ 'http://{host}/newbucket?domain=mydomain.example.com'


Swarm returns a 201 Created response with the result on success: New stream created.

Best Practice

Add conditional headers to verify updates are being made to the intended domain or bucket. 

Use if-none-match to prevent creating a domain or bucket that already exists:

Use if-match on the ETag to prevent updating the wrong domain or bucket:

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