Prometheus Node Exporter and Grafana
Hardware Diagnostics with Prometheus
Prometheus is an open-source system monitoring and alerting toolkit which allows viewing what statistics are available for a system, even under failure conditions.
Prometheus scrapes metrics from instrumented jobs, running rules over this data to record aggregated time series or to generate alerts.
Grafana and other API consumers can allow visualizing collected data.
The Prometheus Node Exporter is included with Swarm for monitoring and diagnostics on the machines in a Swarm cluster, to provide a wide variety of hardware and kernel-related metrics.
Configuring the Node Exporter
The required Storage setting for Node Exporter is enabled by default: metrics.enableNodeExporter = True
. A cluster reboot is required to re-enable if disabled.
Change how frequently the exports occur if needed. Perform this using Swarm UI or SNMP on the running cluster: metrics.nodeExporterFrequency = 120
Adding Grafana Dashboards
DataCore has published public Grafana dashboards for monitoring Swarm products and features to visualize this Prometheus data. Check here for the latest dashboards for the versions of Swarm products being used:
Customized dashboards are available for the following products:
Swarm System Monitoring (Select the dashboard for the version of Storage)
Visualizations include cluster health, capacity, indexing, licensing, temperature, and network and CPU loads:
Cluster-wide operations:
Swarm Node View (new since v12.0)
Detail view of a single Swarm node:
Gateway Monitoring
Some statistics show a value after S3 operations have run against the Gateway
Visualizations include CPU load, operations, connections, and HTTP status codes:
Swarm Search (new since v15 )
Visualizations include elasticsearch 7.5.x metrics
Video Clipping
The Video Clipping is Optional.
Gateway / Content UI added the optional feature Video Clipping for Partial File Restore.
Visualizations include numbers, rates, and error counts for video clipping requests.
The errors are counted by stage (preprocessing, processing, postprocessing), to help with troubleshooting:
Importing a Dashboard
Navigate to Grafana get started | Cloud, Self-managed, Enterprise to obtain a free hosted instance of Grafana (1 user, 5 dashboards).
View the desired dashboard page and select Copy ID to Clipboard to get the ID for the dashboard:
Open the dashboard search on the Grafana instance and then click Import to import a dashboard.
Paste in the ID when prompted:
Verify the name is correct once the dashboard is found.
Set the Folder option to make the dashboard visible. The folder "General" is available by default.
In the following import process, Grafana prompts setting the data source, and specify any metric prefixes (if the dashboard uses any).
Troubleshooting "No Data" Errors
There are multiple points at which things can go wrong in the pipeline from collecting data to displaying charts. The following is the process for troubleshooting No Data errors in graphs.
Checking Endpoints
Services monitored by Prometheus (Swarm nodes and Gateways) expose an endpoint (usually port 9100).
Swarm: In the Swarm UI Cluster Settings, Advanced, verify metrics.nodeExporterFrequency=120
. The metrics.enableNodeExporter=True
must be explicitly set if not on the latest Swarm release. Test the endpoint:
curl http://SWARM_NODE:9100/metrics
Prometheus: Prometheus polls those endpoints as set in /etc/prometheus/prometheus.ini
. Test the targets:
Configuring Elasticsearch Exporter
A new Grafana dashboard Swarm Search v7 is added to SwarmTelemetry. The new dashboard uses a new Prometheus exporter called elasticsearch_exporter and runs as a service on SwarmTelemetry. It is important to set the target Elasticsearch host IP in /usr/lib/system.d/system/elasticsearch_exporter.service
The process of changing the IP is as follows:
modify /usr/lib/system.d/system/elasticsearch_exporter.service --es.uri parameter to match one of your ES node IP’s
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable elasticsearch_exporter
systemctl start elasticsearch_exporter
By default, this IP points to the swarm storage network, internal IP address of the SwarmSearch VM. See GitHub - prometheus-community/elasticsearch_exporter: Elasticsearch stats exporter for Prometheus for various Elasticseach metrics.
Checking Grafana
Verify Grafana has a “Prometheus” Data Source and is set to Default.
The dashboards automatically use this when they are imported; Edit a panel to see.Verify Grafana is at least version 9.3.2
Node Exporter Statistics
Following is information about what Swarm statistics are exported by Prometheus. As possible, these statistics are correlated with MIB entries, although the scales may differ.
Metric Name | Label(s) | Value Meaning | Related SNMP Entry Name(s) |
caringo_swarm_cluster_license_capacity_tb | cluster_name | Cluster capacity in terabytes. | totalGBLicensedCapacity |
caringo_swarm_cluster_license_days_remaining | cluster_name | Integer number of days remaining on the license. |
caringo_swarm_cluster_license_enabled | cluster_name | 1 for license enabled. 0 for not enabled. |
caringo_swarm_cluster_state | cluster_name | -1 = unknown; 0 = ok; 1 = idle; 2 = mounting; 3 = initializing; 4 = finalizing; 5 = maintenance; 6 = retiring; 7 = retired; 8 = error; 9 = unavailable; 10 = offline | clusterState |
caringo_swarm_index_overlay_state |
| The overlay index status. 2=authoritative; 1=operational; 0 otherwise. | indexOverlayStatus |
caringo_swarm_index_overlay_inflating |
| Whether the overlay index is inflating on this node. 1=true; 0; false. | indexOverlayInflating |
caringo_swarm_index_overlay_attractors |
| The number of desired attractors. | indexOverlayDesiredAttractors |
caringo_swarm_feeds_deleted_pending | feed_name, feed_type | The number of deleted object events pending waiting to be processed. | feedNodeDeletesUnprocessed |
caringo_swarm_feeds_deleted_retrying | feed_name, feed_type | The number of deleted object events needing to be retried. | feedNodeDeletesFailing |
caringo_swarm_feeds_deleted_successful | feed_name, feed_type | The number of deleted object events successfully processed. | feedNodeDeletesSuccess |
caringo_swarm_feeds_deleted_unqualified | feed_name, feed_type | The number of deleted object events potentially requiring processing. | feedNodeDeletesUnqualified |
caringo_swarm_feeds_est_backlog_clear_time | feed_name, feed_type | The estimated number of seconds to complete all processing. -1 for unknown. | feedEstBacklogClearTime |
caringo_swarm_feeds_existing_pending | feed_name, feed_type | The number of current object events pending waiting to be processed. | feedNodeExistsUnprocessed |
caringo_swarm_feeds_existing_retrying | feed_name, feed_type | The number of current object events needing to be retried. | feedNodeExistsFailing |
caringo_swarm_feeds_existing_successful | feed_name, feed_type | The number of current object events successfully processed. | feedNodeExistsSuccess |
caringo_swarm_feeds_existing_unqualified | feed_name, feed_type | The number of current object events potentially requiring processing. | feedNodeExistsUnqualified |
caringo_swarm_feeds_feed_id | feed_name, feed_type | The id number of the feed. | feedFeedId |
caringo_swarm_feeds_feed_state | feed_name, feed_type | -1 = unknown; 0 = closed; 1 = config-error; 2 = too many overlapping feeds; 3 = blocked; 4 = paused by request; 5 = paused for recovery; 6 = priority (processing contexts after start/restart); 7 = ok | feedState |
caringo_swarm_feeds_last_failure | feed_name, feed_type | The time of the last failure event in epoch milliseconds. | feedLastExistFailure, feedLastDeleteFailure, feedLastVersionedFailure |
caringo_swarm_feeds_last_success | feed_name, feed_type | The time of the last successful event in epoch milliseconds. | feedLastSuccess |
caringo_swarm_feeds_remote_failure | feed_name, feed_type | The number of replication/indexing failures. | feedPluginRemoteFailure |
caringo_swarm_feeds_remote_success_duplicate | feed_name, feed_type | The number of duplicate indexing/replication successes. | feedPluginRemoteSuccessDuplicate |
caringo_swarm_feeds_remote_success_transfer | feed_name, feed_type | The number of new indexing/replication successes. |