SwarmFS Planning

SwarmFS Planning

SwarmFS can coexist with other applications running on the same Linux server, although SwarmFS expects to have sole ownership of its assigned ports and resources. SwarmFS can be deployed onto the same Linux server as the Content Gateway, or it can run on its own dedicated operating system instance. Note the following for your planning:

Planning the SwarmFS Environment







Is the Swarm cluster already running?

Yes | No

Swarm must be running before SwarmFS can be configured 

Is a Elasticsearch cluster installed and running?

Yes | No

Elasticsearch must be running before SwarmFS can be configured

Is there a working Swarm “Search Full Metadata”
feed to the Elasticsearch cluster?

Yes | No

SwarmFS requires a full metadata search feed to be running

Is Content Gateway running?

Yes | No

Content Gateway must be running before SwarmFS can be configured

What are the addresses for Gateway?

Make note of the IP addresses or DNS-resolvable names for your Gateways (one or more)

Is port 91 (default) open between SwarmFS
and Gateway?

Yes | No

SwarmFS must be able to connect to the Swarm management API, either directly to swarm or via the gateway proxy

How many SwarmFS servers are installed?

You can have one or more SwarmFS Servers

Are all SwarmFS servers present the same NFS exports?

Yes | No

SwarmFS servers can present the same exports, or different exports, you can also have groups of SwarmFS servers presenting different exports

Which operating system is SwarmFS installed on? 

CentOS 7| RHEL 7

If using RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), your site needs a Red Hat license

Is SELinux enabled and enforcing on the SwarmFS servers?

Yes | No

If SELinux is enabled, it must allow SwarmFS to open these network connections:

  • Elasticsearch (default port 9200)

  • Swarm Management API (default port 91)


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