Swarm Storage 15.3.1 Release


If you are booting via USB key, CSN, or your own PXE boot setup, you need to change the ramdisk_size to avoid a kernel panic on Swarm 15.2 and above. See below for the instructions to address on the CSN. See to know the syntax for ramdisk_size for USB key or PXE boot setups.

Additional Changes

Changes include versions and fixes coming from testing and user feedback.

OSS Versions

See for the complete listing of packages and versions for this release.

Fixed in 15.3.1

  • Removed Volume Limitation: Removed a limitation on the number of volumes that a Swarm storage node could serve. (SWAR-9886)

    • Rapid Deletes: Fixed an issue where rapid deletes of prior versions could result in a 503 response instead of a 404 when the version had already been deleted. (SWAR-9902)

Watch Items and Known Issues

The following watch items are known:

  • Several settings that are persistent in the stream of the cluster’s persistent settings have their defaults changed in this version. It is recommended to review these settings and make appropriate adjustments.

    • health.examDelay now defaults to 0.19. It is recommended Not to use a value lower than the default.

    • health.fvrPushDelay has a new default of 0.7, which is recommended for most clusters.

    • power.savingMode has a new default of False, which is recommended for most clusters.

    • scsp.defaultSynchronousIndexWait has a new default of 60, which is recommended for most clusters. This is a non-persistent setting.

  • Configuring elasticsearch.yml's network.host (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.16/important-settings.html#network.host) to "__site__" might not choose the right IP to allow master election if the server is multi-homed. Modify elasticsearch.yml to enter a specific IP for the node, and the configuration script will preserve it. (SWAR-9350)
    If you run into this issue, the fix is to:

    • systemctl stop elasticsearch on all ES nodes

    • remove all the contents of the path.data directory

    • change network.host: <IP of ES NIC in the Storage VLAN>

    • systemctl start elasticsearch

  • Elasticsearch can fail to start and return a warning "unable to load JNA native support library", which is due to SELinux setting “noexec” on /tmp.
    For Elasticsearch 7.5.2, edit “/etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options” replacing the line "-Djava.io.tmpdir=${ES_TMPDIR}" with "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/var/log/elasticsearch". With Elasticsearch 7.17, uncomment the "Environment=ES_TMPDIR=/usr/share/elasticsearch/tmp" line in /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/override.conf and create that directory. (SWAR-9347)

  • Swarm versions 10.0 onward are vulnerable to kernel issues manifested on some Intel CPUs. Symptoms include lowered performance, long mount times, and cluster instability. Swarm versions 14.1 and later provide a workaround for this issue, see . (SWAR-9055)

  • Customers who perform paginated listing queries (using sort and marker) need to choose a unique set of fields to return the complete results. (SWAR-9630)

  • Writes of objects into versioned buckets suffer a small (constant) performance penalty. This only applies to the 15.3.0 release. (SWAR-9794)

  • The search configuration utility was upgraded to caringo-elasticsearch-search-7.1.0-1.noarch.rpm and Elasticsearch 7.17.9 is now the default version installed. If you are running Elasticsearch 7.5.2, do not install the 7.17.9 rpm directly. Instead, run the latest configuration script configure_elasticsearch_with_swarm_search.py. The configuration script upgrades /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch, so that the default Elastic-bundled JDK is used. (SWAR-9159)


Elasticsearch cannot be downgraded back to 7.5.2.

  • The 15 series releases can exhibit a known issue when attempting to hot plug drives into a Swarm node that uses the Broadcom/LSI HBA driver based on the kernel version in the release. Customers may experience situations where the hot plug of a known good drive fails, requiring a node restart to allow the drive to be recognized. (SWAR-9873)

These are standing operational limitations:

  • The Storage UI shows no NFS config if the Elasticsearch cluster is wiped. Contact DataCore Support for help in repopulating the SwarmFS config information. (SWAR-8007)

  • Any incomplete multipart upload into a bucket leaves the parts (unnamed streams) in the domain if the bucket is deleted. To find and delete those parts, use the s3cmd utility (search the Support site for "s3cmd" guidance). (SWAR-7690)

  • The chassis shuts down but does not come back up when restarting a cluster of virtual machines that are UEFI-booted (versus legacy BIOS). (SWAR-8054)

  • Invalid config parameters that prevent the unassigned nodes from booting are created if subcluster assignments are removed in the CSN UI. (SWAR-7675)

  • On node reboots, some feed statistics that are not persisted across boots may show up incorrectly. It will fix itself eventually. Currently, there is no workaround for this. (SWAR-9720)

To upgrade Swarm 9 or higher, proceed to . For migration from Swarm 8.x or earlier, contact DataCore Support for guidance.

Instructions for rpm v15.2 and above on CSN

The user must follow the below steps if using rpm version 15.2 or above on the CSN:

  1. Edit the /etc/caringo/netboot/netboot.cfg file on the CSN.

  2. Verify that the KernelOptions parameter includes the new maximum size for the ramdisk.

    kernelOptions = castor_net=active-backup: ramdisk_size=190000

    Use a space separator between “active-backup:” and ramdisk_size=190000 as used in the above command.

  3. Restart netboot.
    service netboot restart

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