How to DR to an alternate server
Use the DrTool to have FileFly replicate to an alternate server.
Create a new Policy, and select for the Operation to Create DrTool File From Source.
Select which Rules and Sources the DrTool covers.
Run the DrTool job, so there is a recent copy of the data.
Open the job to get a recent DrTool file after the job completes: Open the task and select Download DrTool Files.
Download the generated text file.
Open the DrTool on the server where the stubs are migrated.
Use the -csu option to redirect stub restores. This example takes a DrTool file for the machine and changes the folder (
E:\restored here\
) where the stubs are restored.The files with the URL substituted are highlighted if the DrTool file has multiple URLs in it.
Right-click and select Create Stub for the files which you want to recover. These are restored to a different directory.
When prompted, select whether to update the path information on Swarm also.
If there is a large amount of files being recovered, the DrTool file displays a progress indicator. A log file generates for each restoration job.
Update the DrTool file to point to the new destination and agent to restore stubs to a server they did not originate from.
In this example, the migration agent win:// is the new path:
To restore a stub to a different agent, that migration agent must have connection to the source Swarm cluster, because it needs to read the files from Swarm and then update the information.
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