TRIM is a disk operation used in SSDs to inform the drive about blocks of data that are no longer in use and can be erased. This helps in maintaining SSD performance and longevity by reducing write amplification and ensuring efficient space management.
Unlike file systems that use “fstrim” to manually initiate TRIM operations, we automatically handle TRIM whenever the storage node determines it's necessary. This approach ensures optimal performance and longevity of the SSD by proactively managing data blocks based on real-time needs.
Why is TRIM Important?
Performance Optimization: TRIM operation helps in efficient garbage collection and reduced write amplification. It also maintains consistent write performance and speeds over time.
Extended Longevity: Reduces wear by minimizing unnecessary write/erase cycles.
Space Management: Ensures accurate free space tracking for efficient storage.
Implementation Steps
scsctl storage config set -d "disk.enableSSDTrims=1"
< iostat -x
1 > to confirm TRIM activity in discard columns.
By integrating TRIM, SSDs maintain optimal performance, efficient storage management, and extended durability, delivering robust storage solutions.
SWARM does not support direct manual trim initiation
SWARM does trim only during disk format-mount and defragmentation operation.
SWARM does not enable or disable this feature automatically, it needs to be enabled manually and reboot the cluster.
SWARM does not currently support NVMe SSDs or self-encryption features.