Download the head plugin from https://support.cloud.caringo.com/tools/elasticsearch5-head.tgz
- Install s3cmd , on CentOS/RHEL7 simply type yum install s3cmd and then s3cmd --configure to configure it.
Create an S3 bucket called "head"
Code Block s3cmd mb s3://head
Untar the head plugin locally
Code Block cd head; tar xvzf elasticsearch5-head.tgz
Upload all the files to your S3 bucket
Code Block s3cmd sync . s3://head --no-mime-magic
now you can access it using http://FQDN/head/index.html
For Example: http://s3.demo.sales.local/head/index.htmlYou can also pre-populated the target elasticsearch node with the base_uri queryArgument
For Example: http://s3.demo.sales.local/head/index.html?base_uri=
Info Keep in mind that most browsers wont allow mixed content loading between SSL and HTTP (aka CORS) , and elasticsearch port 9200 is HTTP not SSL !!
so for example this wont work: https://s3.demo.sales.local/head/index.html?base_uri=
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