All new license files must be issued by a Sales representative to ensure verify they have an electronic signature recognized and approved by Swarm.
Info |
ImportantMatch the path and filename defined in the license.url setting in the configuration when updating the license file on a running cluster. |
Upload the license using the CSN Console if running CSN 8.3.
Upload the license using either the Swarm UI (Settings > License) or the CLI platform upload license command if running Platform Server.
Swarm validates the license and updates the client information and/or licensed capacity as necessary if the file is updated. On success, an An announcement appears in the syslog and the UI on success.
The cluster nodes report a critical error in the syslog and the UI if a license update fails to validate a new license file.
Swarm continues to use the previous license file until the validation error is corrected if an update fails with a validation error.
Swarm analyzes the file for updates when it becomes available if the license file is located on an HTTP server not available when Swarm starts. Swarm may publish a corresponding update announcement in the syslog and the UI, even if the file itself has not changed.