Renaming Domains and Buckets

Rename duplicate domains or buckets using the correct syntax. Rename context objects (domains and buckets) in a storage cluster using the command with the newname specifying the new name.

Naming and Slashes - Follow the for domains and buckets. Swarm handles slashes:

  • Leading slashes (/foo) are silently removed in all cases.

  • Trailing slashes (foo/) are silently removed for buckets, but they cause 404 Page Not Found errors for domains. (v11.1)


Log in to the Content UI to verify the renaming.

Preserving Headers

Preserve the existing domain or bucket. See .

  • In particular, look for Policy-* headers and the x-tenant-meta-name header that Gateway uses to group domains under a tenant.

  • Add the preserve to the COPY request to verify any custom metadata existing on the object is carried over to the copy. (v9.2)

  • Include the header name with the new value on the request to overwrite an existing value. 

See Headers to preserve in .

Renaming a Domain

Rename the domain. If this is a duplicated domain it should be renamed by aliasuuid instead, see .

curl -i --location-trusted -u admin -X COPY 'http://{host}?domain={old-name}&admin&newname={new-name}&preserve'  [-D log-file-name]
curl -i --location-trusted -u admin -X COPY ''   [-D log-file-name]

The message New object created confirms that the renaming procedure is successful.

Renaming a Bucket

Rename the bucket. If this is a duplicated bucket it should be renamed by aliasuuid instead, see .

curl -i --location-trusted -u admin -XCOPY 'http://{host}/{old-name}?domain={domain}&admin&newname={new-name}&preserve' [-D log-file-name]

The message New object created confirms that the renaming procedure is successful.

Transferring a Domain to a Different Tenant

To assign or transfer a domain to an existing tenant, see Domain Adoption & Transfer.


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