Changing Swarm Cluster and Gateway UI Password

Changing Swarm Cluster and Gateway UI Password

To modify the existing Swarm Cluster password, refer to the following steps:

  1. Create a SCS VM snapshot.

  2. Stop the Content Gateways. 

  3. Change the SCS/Storage admin password with this command:

    scsctl platform config set -d "admin.password={new password}"
  4. Verify that the password has been updated successfully using:

    /root/dist/swarmctl -d <IP any storage node> -p admin:{new password}
  5. Update the Gateway.cfg on all Gateways to use the new cluster password.

  6. Start the Content Gateways.

The plain text admin password change in gateway.cfg will be hashed upon starting the gateway service.

  1. If you're using PAM on your Content Gateways (check /etc/caringo/cloudgateway/idsys.json to confirm), and need to update the password for:

    a) Swarm UI/Content Portal
    b) Swarm cluster access via the Content Gateways,

    Run the following on each Content Gateway:

    passwd [user]

    Ensure the password is updated on all Content Gateways.
    Note: If idsys.json points to an external authenticaton service, use that external system to change the password.

  2. Update the Replication Feeds passwords (if exists) to match the new remote Storage Cluster admin password.

  3. If desired, delete the snapshot of the SCS VM once the password change is complete and verified.


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