Swarm Storage 16.1.4 Release

Swarm Storage 16.1.4 Release

OSS Versions

See [DRAFT] Third-Party Components for Storage 16.1.4 for the complete listing of packages and versions for this release.

Fixed in 16.1.4

  • Feed Issue Due to Network Configuration: Fixed a broken ES feeds issue (applicable for Swarm 16.1.1, 16.1.2 only) that was related to an unreachable hostname mentioned in network.host in elasticsearch.yml. (SWAR-10148)

  • Optimization: Optimized the feeds processing logic and fixed an issue that was resulting EDA04 error code. Stuck feeds will progress by setting disk.catchUpTimeWindow to a value greater than your cluster's age in seconds. (SWAR-10215)

Watch Items and Known Issues

The following watch items are known:

  • Customizations to an Elasticsearch 6.8.6 /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml path.data and network.host fields will be lost when running the configuration script to upgrade to Elasticsearch 7 if the upgrade does not complete. This can happen if the new Elasticsearch 7 rpm is not in the current directory and cannot be downloaded. Reapply your customizations as this will not affect upgrades starting with Elasticsearch 7.5.2. (SWAR-9977)

  • False 404s might be seen in the Swarm responses during heavy load situations. To mitigate this, please verify cip.processes = 2, and update the settings for cip.readRetries=7, cip.deleteRetries=7, and cip.replicastRetries=7.(SWAR-10120)

  • When using search.perDomainIndex=True (under Support guidance), the number of supported domains is limited based on the number of data nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster and search.numberOfShards. For example, five data nodes support 5x600 shards at search.numberOfShards=5; each domain requires 5x2 (primary and replica) shards. Also remember Gateway creates daily csmeter indices, 1 shard x 2 each, for 100 days (retentionDays) plus a csmeterlock index. So the maximum number of domains supported is about 275. After that new domain indices cannot be created resulting in a domain listing returning a 503 ReaderUnavailableIndex. The castor.log will show errors EFD19, EIP15, and EIP02.
    For example, "Validation Failed: this action would add [6] shards, but the cluster currently has maximum [999]/[1000] normal open shards". Error reporting will be improved in a future release. (SWAR-10172)


Contact DataCore Support if you are still using Elasticsearch 6.8.6.

These are standing operational limitations:

  • The Storage UI shows no NFS config if the Elasticsearch cluster is wiped. Contact DataCore Support for help in repopulating the SwarmFS config information. (SWAR-8007)

  • Any incomplete multipart upload into a bucket leaves the parts (unnamed streams) in the domain if the bucket is deleted. To find and delete those parts, use the s3cmd utility (search the Support site for "s3cmd" guidance). (SWAR-7690)

  • The chassis shuts down but does not come back up when restarting a cluster of virtual machines that are UEFI-booted (versus legacy BIOS). (SWAR-8054)

  • Invalid config parameters that prevent the unassigned nodes from booting are created if subcluster assignments are removed in the CSN UI. (SWAR-7675)

  • Customers need to wait 1 minute or more to get the changes done in feed definition to be effective throughout the cluster. (SWAR-10007)

  • Swarm 16.1.2-16.1.4 introduces a regression if the Search Feed index has been "split" under the guidance of DataCore Support. Listings will fail with the error: FEEDS.ELASTICSEARCH ERROR: EIP19 DetectCaseSensitivityRequest: detection of Elasticsearch case-sensitive/case-insensitive configuration failed (index_swarm.sollab.local0).
    To workaround this issue, create an alias named index_<cluster.name><feed-id> (e.g. "index_swarm.sollab.local0") that points to the split index name. See the new last step here. (SWAR-10240)

To upgrade Swarm 9 or higher, proceed to How to Upgrade Swarm. For migration from Swarm 8.x or earlier, contact DataCore Support for guidance.

Instructions for rpm v15.2 and above on CSN

The user must follow the below steps if using rpm version 15.2 or above on the CSN:

  1. Edit the /etc/caringo/netboot/netboot.cfg file on the CSN.

  2. Verify that the KernelOptions parameter includes the new maximum size for the ramdisk.

    kernelOptions = castor_net=active-backup: ramdisk_size=190000

    Use a space separator between “active-backup:” and ramdisk_size=190000 as used in the above command.

  3. Restart netboot.
    service netboot restart


  • The search.caseInsensitive is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (SWAR-10085)

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