Content Gateway 8.0.4 Release


  • Added a feature that monitors Elasticsearch for excessive CPU utilization and slows searches as needed. While adding latency, it prevents the condition wherein Elasticsearch is unable to process requests due to CPU starvation. To enable this feature, set the [qos]admissionControl setting to true. (CLOUD-3933)

  • A bug introduced in 8.0.0 is fixed which needed Elasticsearch for installation but that installation does not support S3 or metadata search. (CLOUD-3977)

  • A bug wherein bucket listings that used a prefix of “/“ would fail, is fixed. This would be the case if you had names like “mybucket//extra/slash/in/name. (CLOUD-3985)

  • A bug introduced in 8.0.0 is fixed which was causing the "Lifecycle Policy" checkbox to not be visible in Portal's domain and bucket properties.

  • SCSP listings now include an empty “versions” field on listings of an unversioned bucket. S3 use is not affected, as S3 listings already do this. (CLOUD-2992)

Upgrade Impacts

See  to upgrade from a version of Gateway 6 or 7. See , if migrating from Elasticsearch 2.3.3 and Gateway 5.

Starting with Gateway 7.8, Elasticsearch 6.8.6 is no longer supported. Remain on Gateway 7.7 until the rolling upgrade from Elasticsearch 6.8.6 to 7.5.2 is completed.

Address the upgrade impacts for this and each prior version since the currently running version:

Impacts for 8.0.4

  • Version Requirements

    • Swarm Storage 14.1.0 or higher

    • Elasticsearch 7.5.2 or 7.17.9 (required with Swarm Storage 15.3 or higher)

    • Content UI 7.9.1

    • Storage UI 3.5.0





See and for impacts from prior releases.

Watch Items and Issues

These are known operational limitations that exist for Gateway.

  • When using the default RHEL/CentOS configuration of IPTABLES, traffic to the Gateway will be blocked unless action is taken to disable IPTABLES or to enable inbound traffic to the front-end protocol port(s).

  • Gateway is not compatible with Linux PAM modules that depend on interactive validation operations such as OTP or biometric scanners.

  • Gateway 8.0.4 must be restarted after creating a Search Feed to avoid the error: “ResourceUnavailableException: Application resource 'elasticsearch-storage_cluster' is unavailable”. This will be fixed in an upcoming release. (CLOUD-4003)

See and for known issues from prior releases that are still applicable, apart from those appearing above as fixed.

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