Swarm 15.3 VMware Bundle Package
This bundle contains a collection of supported VMware templates for proof-of-concept and production field deployments. Each VM contains all the necessary DataCore Swarm software as well as dependencies. The software packages are pre-installed and unconfigured.
This package contains:
SwarmTelemetry OVF file
SwarmClusterServices OVF file
SwarmContentGateway OVF file
SwarmSearch OVF file
What’s New:
SwarmSearch1: upgraded to elasticsearch 7.17.9
SwarmSearch1: switched to bundled jvm in /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch, removed openjdk 1.8.x
SwarmSearch1: OEM-85, use the configure script to make an elasticsearch.yml file.
SwarmTelemetry: OEM-84, removed cluster_state alert
SwarmTelemetry: TELE-17, added job label to handle multiple enumeration feeds
SwarmTelemetry: TELE-19, added new elasticsearch cluster state=red alert
SwarmTelemetry: TELE-20, fixed errors in clusterwide operation charts
SwarmTelemetry: upgraded to prometheus 2.45.0
SwarmTelemetry: upgraded to alertmanager 0.25.0
SwarmTelemetry: added disk usage to Swarm Node View dashboard
SwarmTelemetry: added new dashboard Swarm Health Processor v1 (support only)
SwarmTelemetry: WARNING: All dashboard panels migrated to the new grafana 8.x format; Grafana 9.3.2 is now required for all 15.3 dashboards. Some GUI functionality was lost, so the dashboard will look different. This is a required step to jump to the next hurdle, which is grafana 10.x and its new UI
SwarmTelemetry: Swarm Search v7 now shows segment delete ratio, as well as hourly operations and per operation type charts.
SwarmTelemetry: added job definition for node_exporter on SCS
SwarmContentGateway: Upgraded to cloudgateway 7.10.6 / UIC 7.9.1/UIS 3.5.0
SwarmContentGateway: OEM-83, usePath reverts to default, and haproxy timeouts are adjusted to match our KB.
SwarmContentGateway: Upgraded to node_exporter 1.16.0
SwarmClusterServices: upgraded to swarm-storage 15.3.0
SwarmClusterServices: added node_exporter 1.16.0
The bundle package can be found at DataCore Downloads.
A dedicated vSwitch for the Swarm Storage Network before importing VMs with the dual virtual network card.
VMs are created on VMware ESX 7.0 and must be loaded into 6.7 U3 and above.
If using vCenter, use the VMware vAPP OVF datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX.ovf to load the entire set of VMs in one command. Must include the nvram files as well.
If not using vCenter, use an individual OVF for each template. This requires specifying the associated disk for each VM.
A field engineer is required to configure the node_exporter service for the gateways in /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml, an example is provided in the comments.
A field engineer is required to configure the node_exporter service for the SCS in /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
A field engineer is required to configure and deploy the elasticsearch_exporter service on the SwarmTelemetry VM. The process is as follows:
modify the Elasticsearch Node IP in /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch_exporter.service file
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable elasticsearch_exporter
systemctl start elasticsearch_exporter this will start the service and listen on port 9114
modify /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml and uncomment the elasticsearch job definition pointing at port 9114
promtool check config /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml to verify no typo errors were made in the config file.
systemctl restart prometheus to activate the change
Now you will see metrics populate the Swarm Search v7 dashboard.
Swarm 15.3.0 - ESXi-7.0 - can be deployed on ESXi 6.7 and above. See https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/83223 for end-of-life (EOL) statement regarding VMware ESX 6.x.
This is an installation-only bundle, so don’t use this bundle for upgrades.
All VMs have dual virtual network cards, one for the public client network and another for the Swarm Storage Network.
For SwarmSearch 1, the public-facing network card is not connected for security reasons.
VMware ESX 6.7U3 is required if using vCenter 6.7.
All access credentials use the default password “datacore”.
Disk-to-VM Mapping
The following is a sample mapping example of OVF with the associated disks:
OVF | Associated Disks |
SwarmClusterServices.ovf | datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk1.vmdk |
datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk2.vmdk | |
SwarmContentGateway.ovf | datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk7.vmdk |
| datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk5.vmdk |
datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk6.vmdk | |
| datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk3.vmdk |
datacore-swarm-15.3.0-ESX-disk4.vmdk |
All access credentials use the default password ‘datacore’.
VM Template Overview
The following is a sample example of the VM template:
VM | Hostname | vCPU | RAM | System Disk | Data Disk |
SwarmClusterServices | swarmclusterservices | 2 | 4 GB | 50 GB | 100 GB |
SwarmContentGateway | swarmcontentgateway | 4 | 8 GB | 50 GB | -- |
SwarmSearch | swarmsearch1 | 4 | 24 GB | 30 GB | 0.45 TB |
SwarmTelemetry | swarmtelemetry | 1 | 1GB | 20 GB | 100 GB |
Software Versions
The following software versions are required for the Swarm 15.2 VMware bundle:
VM | Application | Version | Vendor |
All | Centos | 7.9 | Centos |
SCS | Swarm Cluster Services | 1.5.1 | DataCore Software, Inc |
GW | Content Gateway Web UI | 7.9.1 | DataCore Software, Inc |
GW | Content Gateway | 7.10.6 | DataCore Software, Inc |
SCS | Swarm | 15.3.0 | DataCore Software, Inc |
GW | Storage Management UI | 3.5.0-1 | DataCore Software, Inc |
GW | Haproxy | 1.8.17 | |
ES | Elasticsearch | 7.17.9 | Elasticsearch |
TM | Prometheus | 2.45.0 | |
TM | AlertManager | 0.25.0 | |
GW | Node Exporter | 1.6.0 | |
TM | Grafana | 9.3.2 | Grafana: The open and composable observability platform | Grafana Labs |
TM | Elasticsearch Exporter | 1.5.0 |
Abbreviation | Full Form |
SCS | Swarm Cluster Services |
GW | Swarm Content Gateway |
ES | SwarmSearch |
TM | SwarmTelemetry |
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