Listing In Progress Multipart Uploads

Listing In Progress Multipart Uploads

List the initiated but uncompleted multipart uploads. These can be cancelled if they are old or not in progress, see https://caringo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/public/pages/2443822287/Canceling+a+Multipart+Write. Or, verify health.parallelWriteTimeout in Settings Reference is set to its new default 2592000 (one month) and waits for it to expire.

Here is how:

curl -i -u ADMIN 'http://DOMAIN/?stype=all&castor-system-partnumber=0&fields=context,name,etag,tmborn,content-length,castor-system-uploadid,castor-system-partnumber,Castor-System-StreamPath&format=json&sort=tmborn:asc&size=10000'

To list the parts themselves and see how much space they are using in the response header Castor-System-Bytes-Used, use the below command:

curl -i -u ADMIN 'http://DOMAIN/?stype=all&castor-system-partnumber=*&fields=context,name,etag,tmborn,content-length,castor-system-uploadid,castor-system-partnumber,Castor-System-StreamPath&format=json&sort=tmborn:asc&du=withoutreps&size=10000'


This default for this parameter was changed from 10 to 5: health.parallelWriteGCMissCount. This needs to be configured on the CSN or SCS:

CSN: set in cluster.cfg
cat "health.parallelWriteGCMissCount = 5" >> /var/opt/caringo/netboot/content/cluster.cfg

SCS: scsctl storage config set -d "health.parallelWriteGCMissCount=5"

This also needs to be applied to all nodes actively as it is a node level config with swarmctl:

swarmctl -C health.parallelWriteGCMissCount -V 5 -a -d [Swarm Node IP]


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