Upgrade to the Latest SCI Version

SCI Upgrading Procedure

There are three steps involved in upgrading to the latest SCI version:

  1. Validate configuration files and their changes

  2. Upgrade the SCI GUI from an SSH session

  3. Upgrade the SCS CLI, Storage, Gateway, and Elasticsearch from the SCI GUI

Validate Configuration Files and their Changes

SCI does not expect any manual changes to configuration files. If anything is manually changed, then these changes need to be backed up before running the SCI upgrade. SCI maintains consistency with its own record and these configuration files, therefore, the manual changes are reverted back during the SCI upgrade.

If there are any manual changes to any of the following configuration files, those files need to be backed up before the SCI upgrade and restored to the exact location after the SCI upgrade is completed.

SCI Components

Configuration Files

SCI Components

Configuration Files




Cloud Gateway










Upgrading the SCI GUI

  1. Open the upgrade folder from the latest SCI bundle found on the Downloads section of the DataCore Support Portal and SCP/SFTP the scs-installer-gui-<version>.noarch.rpm file to the SCS node. The suggested location is /tmp

    scp scs-installer-gui-<version>.noarch.rpm root@scsnode:/tmp
  2. SSH to the SCS node.

  3. Update the SCI GUI installer.

    cd /tmp yum update scs-installer-gui-<version>.noarch.rpm -y
  4. Restart the nodejs service.

    systemctl restart swarm-nodejs

Upgrading the SCS CLI, Storage, Gateway, and Elasticsearch from the SCI GUI

  1. Open the upgrade folder from the current SCI bundle found on the Downloads section of the DataCore Support Portal and copy the bundle tarball sci_<version>_rpm_bundle.tgz to a Windows machine.

  2. Use a browser on a Windows machine to connect to the SCI web UI (http://<scs-ip-address>:8080/swarm-installer/#/upgrade)

  3. Select Upload and select the bundle tarball to upload. The bundle filename appears below the Upload button once the upload is complete.


  4. Click Upgrade.

  5. Wait until the upgrade is complete. Click the refresh button to update the SCI to the latest version once the upgrade is complete. The new version is visible in the top left corner.

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