Online SCS Installation
Refer to the following steps to install SCS RPM with Internet access:
Install the EPEL release.
Download the latest EPEL package.
curl -O
Install the downloaded RPM.
yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
If running Red Hat, enable the server extras repository.
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
Copy '/root/datacore/Swarm-v14.1/SCS/podman_packages.tar’ and place it into the folder ‘/root/datacore’.
Extract the file
(NOTE: containers-common-1-19.el7.28.1.noarch.rpm must be added to the podman packages shown below!!!)Note:
This creates a folder “podman_packages” in the/root/datacore
folder.Add a new local repo with '/etc/yum.repos.d/podman.repo' path shown as below:
Enable the local repo on:
CentOS (no additional steps are required, this shows the repo as enabled)
Red Hat
Verify podman is listed as an enabled repo.
Install SCS build.
Check the
scsctl help
command to verify the SCS is installed.
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