Content Gateway Concepts

Content Gateway Concepts

Content Gateway is the key to implementing a cloud storage service that is both successful and secure. Combined with Swarm, Content Gateway provides everything needed to deliver private cloud storage services secure within your data center or a public cloud storage service that can compete with Amazon S3. These are essential features of Content Gateway:

  • Works with Existing Authentication Systems: Use LDAP, Active Directory, and Linux PAM authentication for integration into existing corporate identity management systems. Additionally, the system supports token-based authentication for pre-validated access with an optional automatic expiration.

  • Granular Control of Content Access: A robust access control mechanism allows for coarse to fine-grained control over access to content within the system.

  • Robust Administration: Administration is managed through the web-based Content Portal or programmatically through an open and documented management API.

  • Metering of Usage: Provides historical records of storage and bandwidth usage within the system. The metering data is presented to admins and end-users through the graphical charting in the Content Portal and made available through the management API for integration with external systems and applications.

  • Audit Logging: Administrators can access a data feed that includes details about the all requests to the system that includes the success/rejection response, the user making the request, and the duration of the request. The data feed is designed for machine parsing so it can be used for access audits, API request analysis, and SLA reporting.

  • Flexible Naming Schemes with No Bucket Limits: Easy storage management and flexible bucket naming is enabled by lightweight tenant and domain creation and allocation.

  • Uses Your Domain: Access and deliver content using your corporate domain name. Virtual hosting of buckets is also supported through the S3 API.

  • Amazon S3 API Support: Provides instant compatibility with a broad range of applications and libraries that use Amazon's S3 service.

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