Using Cluster Settings - Legacy Admin Console


The is still available but has been replaced by the . (v10.0)

The Cluster Settings dialog box appears, enabling runtime changes to several configuration settings in a cluster when clicking Settings in the Swarm Admin Console. The Cluster Settings UUID field displays the universal unique identifier (UUID) of the aliased object containing the cluster settings when saving settings the first time. All changes persist in the cluster across reboots.



Do not set cluster-wide persisted settings in the individual node configuration files because these values must be the identical for the entire cluster. Any values specified in a node configuration file are overwritten by the cluster settings in the Swarm Admin Console.

Prior Versions

As of Swarm version 6.0, the cluster settings are automatically propagated to all nodes in the cluster. Adding the cluster settings UUID to the node or cluster configuration files are not required.

The first time changing a cluster-wide setting, the cluster settings UUID is automatically generated and propagated to all nodes in the cluster. Changing cluster-wide settings in the Swarm Admin Console by manually or programmatically adding a domain (see ) or using snmpset (See ).

The clusterSettingsUUID setting () value in the node or cluster configuration file is used when the node initially boots in version 6.0 if upgrading from an earlier Swarm version. After at least one node has booted to version 6.0, remove the clusterSettingsUUID setting from the node or cluster configuration file.

Changing the Cluster Name

Change the cluster name in the configuration setting located in the node or cluster configuration file. Follow the guidelines below.

  • Set the configuration setting value before changing any cluster settings. After the cluster settings UUID is set, do not change the value.

  • Conflicts may occur in the settings UUID. Contact DataCore Support for instructions on resetting the cluster settings UUID if setting the and changing it or having no set and adding one after obtaining a cluster settings UUID, .

  • The volume retains the original cluster settings and setting value if moving a volume between clusters. To overwrite the original settings with the new cluster settings, the volume must be inserted into the new location while the remaining nodes are running. The settings from the originating cluster are detected first and become "master" in the new cluster if all volumes are mounted at the same time.

Changing the Multicast Address

The cluster nodes use a single multicast IP address to broadcast cluster-wide messages. To change the IP address, modify the configuration setting in the node or cluster configuration file. 

Logging Setting

Update the logging HostPort, and Level options to temporarily or permanently redirect the cluster logs to a different location or log level. This can be useful when troubleshooting issues in the cluster requiring a more granular report of cluster activity.

In addition, check the Audit Logging checkbox to send audit level events to the syslog, independent of the log level.

Replication Setting

This option allows setting the frequency of multicast broadcasts within the cluster.

The higher the percentage entered in the Multicast % field, the more frequently the cluster communicates UUIDs to the cluster nodes and other services.

Suspend Setting

Swarm automatically initiates recovery of replicas and erasure-coded segments known to be on a cluster volume no longer present in the cluster. Two recovery processes, failed volume recovery (FVR) and erasure coding recovery (ECR), are started for every volume detected as missing. Swarm announces both when it starts each process as well as when each completes, which may be relatively quick if there are no replicas or segments to recover.

The Suspend option allows to temporary suspension of both volume recovery processes in the cluster for situations where data is not actually at risk, but a network or power outages have taken one or more nodes (or an entire sub-cluster) offline. Suspending volume recovery by selecting the Volume Recovery check box prevents cluster activity churn and reduces the risk of capacity issues due to over-replication during an outage or upgrade.

Power Setting

This option allows selection of either a full performance mode or a power-saving mode.

  • Full Performance Mode disables the power-saving settings. All nodes remain active (do not idle) and volumes become idle after at least six minutes of no I/O activity.

  • Power Saving Mode enables the Sleep After and Wake after settings.

  • Sleep After (the power.sleepAfter setting) sets the length of time without SCSP activity before health processing is paused and the node displays as Idle in the Swarm Admin Console.

  • Wake After (the power.wakeAfter setting) sets the length of time a node remains idle before the health processor is reactivated.

Cluster Domains Setting

Cluster domains are secure domains existing entirely within a Swarm storage cluster. Similar to a storage facility containing multiple storage units, domains contain multiple buckets allowing storage of unstructured data objects in specific categories, such as documents, photos, and videos.

See .

Feeds Setting

Feeds is an object routing mechanism in the Swarm storage cluster using intermittent channel connections to distribute data to one or more targeted Elasticsearch servers or target clusters. The source cluster processes all UUIDs and names stored in the source cluster based on the feed configurations. This section lists the feeds configured for the source cluster.

See  for configuring replication and search feeds.

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