FileFly 2.0 Shows Unlicensed

FileFly 2.0 Shows Unlicensed

You may encounter an issue after September 30th 2017 where the FileFly Admin Portal shows as UNLICENSED when you have a valid license and paid support:

If you are not running a trial license, you should see the reason for the unlicensed error below in the overview pane:

And also on any migration agents or gateways you may have:


To fix the issue, an upgrade to FileFly 2.1.1 or higher is required.

Sign in to Caringo Connect; your credentials will let you download the latest version of FileFly: https://connect.caringo.com/content/download-filefly

Once the file is downloaded, transfer it to the FileFly tools / FileFly Admin server.

Important: FileFly 2.1.1 now requires at least that a Windows Server 2012 R2 has the April 2014 rollup update.

The Caringo FileFly 2.1.1 software is transferred as a ZIP file, so extract it first.

Then run the Caringo FileFly tools 2_1_1.exe as an Administrator.

The first thing that the installer will do is check for the required update, if it is not present you will see the following error:

Once you've installed the update and run the FileFly Tools exe again, the installer will start:

Once you select yes you will go through the EULA and the installer will update your FileFly Admin Tools server

When the installer is complete, you will be prompted to continue via the Admin Portal:

When you've finished your install, go to the Admin Portal and select the Servers tab.

Select Upgrade Servers.

Select the Start Upgrade button and this screen will display:

Click Push Updates to continue.

The admin server will then push upgrade every agent attached.

After the install, reboot the FileFly Agents as there are upgrades to FileFly's filter driver.

Upgrade any machines where FileFly Swarm config or Gateway config tools are installed.


The upgrades could fail to push due to running tasks or other issues. If that happens, transfer the FileFly Agent software or FPolicy software to the server in question and run the installer manually.

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