Disabling health status reports is strongly discouraged if your cluster has internet access. The benefit of 24*7 monitoring support and troubleshooting is immense.

Upgrades to 9.3.1: If you disabled cluster health reports by setting support.uri to blank, Swarm will fail to boot. Delete the setting entirely and set support.reportPeriod=0 to suppress reporting without errors.

Disabling cluster reporting

If you have a site that has no outside connectivity, and/or you have another business reason not to send the health status reports to DataCore, you can disable the cluster's reporting period:


This only works if the cluster does not have a persistent settings stream (PSS) because after the PSS is created, this value is stored in the cluster itself and will override this static configuration. For almost all cases, please see below to disable the health report dynamically.

Starting in Swarm 8.2, you can disable health reports without rebooting the cluster by setting the healthReportPeriod to 0 via snmpset as in the following example (taken on a CSN where the MIBs are in the specified locations):

snmpset -v2c -courpwdofchoicehere -m /usr/share/snmp/mibs/CARINGO-CASTOR-MIB.txt:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/CARINGO-MIB.txt healthReportPeriod = 0

CARINGO-CASTOR-MIB::healthReportPeriod = INTEGER: 0

Which shows up in the logs like: <177>2016-06-22T16:34:29.166Z ADMIN ANNOUNCE: support.reportPeriod set to 0 <177>2016-06-22T16:34:30.694Z CONFIG ANNOUNCE: Read new value of 0 for support.reportPeriod from cluster settings stream <177>2016-06-22T16:34:30.717Z CONFIG ANNOUNCE: Read new value of 0 for support.reportPeriod from cluster settings stream

Disabling CSN reporting

The CSN also sends a phone home report, which you can disable by removing the following:

cron script:
