Watch Items and Known Issues

These are known operational limitations and watch items that exist in this release of Gateway.

The following are known issues in this release.

Upgrading from Release 5.x

The Gateway software components packaged as RPMs in the distribution and this section describes the method to upgrade existing 5.x installations. Although these steps include instructions for routing traffic away from Gateways during the upgrade process, you may safely skip these if the deployment does not include a load balancer.

  1. Verify Swarm storage cluster is upgraded to version 9 or later. This includes completing the migration to Elasticsearch 2.3 metadata search servers in conjunction with the Swarm 9 upgrade.

  2. In the load balancer, disable traffic for one Gateway at a time and perform the following upgrade steps for that Gateway. Allow traffic to continue flowing to the other Gateways.

  3. Upgrade the traffic-disabled Gateway.

    1. Stop the Gateway service.

      RHEL/CentOS 6

      service cloudgateway stop

      RHEL/CentOS 7

      systemctl stop cloudgateway
    2. Upgrade the Gateway service:

      yum -y install caringo-gateway-{version}.rpm
    3. If using RHEL/CentOS 7, reload the systemd control scripts:

      systemctl daemon-reload
    4. Review and merge any configuration changes to the gateway.cfg and logging.cfg files in the /etc/caringo/cloudgateway directory.  The new distribution versions are the *.rpmnew files.

    5. Start the Gateway service:

      RHEL/CentOS 6

      service cloudgateway start

      RHEL/CentOS 7

      systemctl start cloudgateway
    6. Verify the Gateway service is running. See the log and curl examples in "Verifying the upgrade," below.

    7. Upgrade the Content Portal:

      yum -y install caringo-gateway-webui-{version}.rpm
  4. In the load balancer, re-enable client traffic to the newly upgraded Gateway and repeat the process for the remaining Gateways.

Upgrading from Release 4.x

The Gateway software components packaged as RPMs in the distribution and this section describes the method to upgrade existing 4.x installations. Although these steps include instructions for routing traffic away from Gateways during the upgrade process, skip these if the deployment does not include a load balancer. Since Gateway 4.x is only certified on RHEL/CentOS 6, the commands shown here are only applicable for RHEL/CentOS 6.

  1. Verify Swarm storage cluster is upgraded to version 9 or later. This includes completing the migration to Elasticsearch 2.3 metadata search servers in conjunction with the Swarm 9 upgrade.

  2. In the load balancer, disable traffic for one Gateway at a time and perform the following upgrade steps for that Gateway. Allow traffic to continue flowing to the other Gateways.

  3. Upgrade the traffic-disabled Gateway. 

    1. Stop the Gateway service:

      service cloudgateway stop
    2. Upgrade the Gateway service:

      yum -y install caringo-gateway-{version}.rpm
    3. Review and merge any configuration changes to the gateway.cfg and logging.cfg files in the /etc/caringo/cloudgateway directory.  The new distribution versions are the *.rpmnew files.

    4. Start the Gateway service:

      service cloudgateway start
    5. Verify the Gateway service is running. See the log and curl examples in "Verifying the upgrade," below.

    6. Upgrade the Content Portal:

      yum -y install caringo-gateway-webui-{version}.rpm
  4. In the load balancer, re-enable client traffic to the newly upgraded Gateway and repeat the process for the remaining Gateways.

Verifying the upgrade

After upgrading, you can check the Gateway's server log (default: /var/log/caringo/cloudgateway_server.log)  to verify there are no startup errors. You are looking to verify the SCSP and/or S3 protocol services are running. This is an example from a server with both protocols enabled:

2015-09-30 11:01:10,382 INFO [main|0000000000000000] S3GatewayServlet: S3 API enabled
2015-09-30 11:01:10,382 INFO [main|0000000000000000] ScspGatewayServlet: SCSP API enabled

Verify the Gateway is responding to Management API requests by requesting the API version. This command is run from the Gateway and assumes the SCSP protocol is running on port 8080. Adjust the port and/or interface IP address if the configuration is different.

curl -i http://localhost:8080/_admin/manage/version

You should get an HTTP 200 response and a JSON body returned with that request.