Download the Swarm Installer from the DataCore website. It downloads Installer in the zip file format.
Extract the package.
Double click on Swam Preinstaller for initiating the installation.
Provide vCenter credentials and click Next.
vSphere Server - Host server name.
vSphere User - Host server username.
vSphere Password - Host server password.
Provide vCenter Infrastructure details to confirm where to install the SCS VMware then click Next.
Datacenter - Enter the datacenter name based on region and availability to install SCS 2.0.
Datastore - Disk available on the host for storage.
ESX host FQDN - Enter the ESX hostname.
Management Network - Public network
Pxeboot network - Choose a private network for Pxebooting configuration.
Provide the below details to install the SCS node:
Enter the hostname and domain name for the SCS node.
Select the IP as DHCP or Static IP.
For static IP;
Management IP - An IP address of the private network along with a network mask.
Gateway - IP address of the Gateway.
DNS servers - Add one or multiple DNS servers depending on the requirements.
For DHCP, an IP address is assigned by the SCS.
Click Submit.
Wait for a few seconds until the installation succeeds. This installation process also creates a VM template.Click Connect to SCS Node to launch the Swarm Installer.
Next, Configure SCS.