Errors are accompanied by three error headers (v9.1):
- The request error code (if applicable). This code is usually a 4xx or 5xx HTTP response code, but it may not match the response code on the request.Castor‑System‑Error‑Text
- The request error description (if applicable). Provides a human-readable description of the error.Castor‑System‑Error‑Token
- A unique error token for the specific error path (if applicable). Provides an easily parsed token that uniquely identifies the error.
The storage cluster could return the following responses when the content length header does not match the actual content length, the specified content cannot be written to the cluster, or if there is a problem with the WRITE request itself.
400 Bad Request | The response below indicates a problem with the WRITE request, such as missing mandatory headers, invalid message body, or any other violation of HTTP/1.1 by the POST request. The reason for the error is included in the message body of the response. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT Server: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0 Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 24 CRLF Host header is required. |
411 Length Required | The response below indicates the WRITE request did not supply the actual content-length, which is required. HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT Server: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0 Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 93 CRLF WRITE requests must include a Content-Length header specifying the exact byte-length of the content to be stored. |
412 Precondition Failed | The response indicates that the named object already exists or that the bucket or domain cannot be found. |
507 Insufficient Storage | The response below indicates the WRITE request did not succeed because the storage cluster did not have sufficient resources to fulfill it. The specific resource constraint is described in the entity (message-body) of the response. HTTP/1.1 507 Insufficient Storage Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2012 15:59:02 GMT Server: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0 Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 38 CRLF Not enough disk space to store requested content. |