Created 9/9/2015 adrian.nedelcu · Updated 2/20/2017 aaron.enfield
The Swarm Search API Search API allows you to compute the total size of objects stored in a bucket or domain, by using the du query argument.
EXAMPLE REQUEST AND RESPONSE FOR CALCULATING THE SPACE USED BY ALL CONTENT IN THE DOMAINExample request and response for calculating the space used by all content in the domain:
`HTTP/1.1 200 OK `
Gateway-Request-Id: 26F809F67D883E6D `
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 `
Castor-Object-Count: 17 `
Castor-Bytes-Used-With-Reps: 121590 `
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 22:00:16 GMT `
Server: CAStor Cluster/ `
Via: (Cloud Gateway/1.1) `
Content-Length: 4 `
[ `
1. IN CASE YOU NEED TO DETERMINE THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE DIFFERENT CONTENT_TYPES THAT YOU HAVE STORED IN YOUR ENTIRE CLUSTER, THEN YOU CAN USE THE ELASTICSEARCH INDEXER'S TERMS STATS FACETS API (IN CASE YOU USER VERSION 0.9.X OR LOWER) In case you need to determine the space occupied by the different content_types that you have stored in your entire cluster, then you can use the Elasticsearch Indexer's Terms Stats Facets API (in case you user version 0.9.x or lower):
curl -XGET -d @query.json "http://<IP_of_Elasticsearch_Indexer_Node>:9200/<name_of_your_Swarm_cluster?/_search?pretty"
where QUERY.JSON looks where query.json looks like:
"facets" : {
"contentTypes_stats" : {
"terms_stats" : {
"key_field" : "contentType",
"value_field" : "size", --> the value_field can be "size" (the total space will not include reps) or "sizewithreps" (the total space will include reps)
"size" : 0
"global" : true
This will return the stats for all the content_types in your cluster.
EXAMPLE RESPONSEExample response:
"facets" : {
"contentTypes_stats" : {
"_type" : "terms_stats",
"missing" : 0,
"terms" : [ {
"term" : "text/html",
"count" : 56,
"total_count" : 56,
"min" : 29.0,
"max" : 30016.0,
"total" : 112787.0,
"mean" : 2014.0535714285713
}, {
"term" : "image/png",
"count" : 54,
"total_count" : 54,
"min" : 284.0,
"max" : 326408.0,
"total" : 602879.0,
"mean" : 11164.425925925925
The FACETSThe facets[CONTENTTYPEScontentTypes_STATSstats][TERMSterms][TOTALtotal] represent represent the total space occupied by objects of that particular content_type (with or withoutreps included, depending on your query.json)
2. ) In case you need to determine the space occupied by the different content_types that you have stored stored in a particular domain, then you need to follow these steps:
A) DETERMINE THE NAME-ID MAPPINGS FOR ALL THE DOMAINS IN YOUR CLUSTERa) Determine the name-id mappings for all the domains in your cluster:
curl -XGET "http://<IP_of_Swarm_node>/?domains&format=json&fields=domainid,name"
EXAMPLE RESPONSEExample response:
{"domainid":"f9336c9ceecca321bb6c6408b008d141", "name":"cloudscaler3demo.internal"},
{"domainid":"9dc45e197fc307229d53db5762c5b232", "name":"thesmiths"},
{"domainid":"672f29fd63b90a644206c101888399de", "name":"thebrowns"},
{"domainid":"38c22d3f971d0abd9147399fffd9592f", "name":"theflintstones"},
{"domainid":"c7a7212bc42efbc1fdf4943a6a368efc", "name":"gatewayadmindomain"},
{"domainid":"ad18fffec74600e932a1f16025aba265", "name":"therubbles"}
B) FOR EACH DOMAIN RUN THE FOLLOWING QUERY AGAINST YOUR ELASTICSEARCH INDEXERb) For each domain run the following query against your ElasticSearch Indexer:
curl -XGET -d @query.json "http://<Indexer_IP>:9200/<name_of_SWARM_Cluster>/_search?q=domainid:<ID_of_Swarm_Domain>&pretty"
where QUERY.JSON iswhere query.json is:
"facets" : {
"contentTypes_stats" : {
"terms_stats" : {
"key_field" : "contentType",
"value_field" : "size", --> the value_field can be "size" (the total space will not include reps) or "sizewithreps" (the total space will include reps)
"size" : 0
EXAMPLE RESPONSEExample response:
"facets" : {
"contentTypes_stats" : {
"_type" : "terms_stats",
"missing" : 0,
"terms" : [ {
"term" : "application/castorcontext",
"count" : 3,
"total_count" : 3,
"min" : 0.0,
"max" : 0.0,
"total" : 0.0,
"mean" : 0.0
}, {
"term" : "application/test",
"count" : 2,
"total_count" : 2,
"min" : 2.00863744E8,
"max" : 2.00863744E8,
"total" : 4.01727488E8,
"mean" : 2.00863744E8................
As in the previous case, the FACETSthe facets[CONTENTTYPEScontentTypes_STATSstats][TERMSterms][TOTALtotal] represent represent the total space occupied by objects within objects within the queried domain, of of that particular content_type type (with or withoutreps included, depending on your query.json)