Versions Compared


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Comment: Reverted from v. 22
  1. Hardware Requirements for Deploying SNS

    1. Operating System Disk

      1. Disk Protection: RAID 1 (recommended).

      2. Capacity: Minimum 150 GB or higher.

      3. Storage Type:

        • SSD storage is preferred but not mandatory.

        • HDD is acceptable if SSD is unavailable.

b. SSD/NVMe for Elasticsearch and Other Container Storage

Recommended Storage Type:

NVMe is preferred.

SSD is an alternative.

15K SAS drives are acceptable but may cause slower bucket listings.

c. Swarm storage requirements

Drives must be unformatted.

Drives should appear as single paths (e.g., /dev/sdc).

CPU Requirements

CPU Type

Minimum CPU count needs to be add

Supported: x86/64-based architecture.

Not Supported: ARM or RISC processors.

Higher core counts are recommended for better performance.

Clock Speed

Minimum: 2.2 GHz per core.

Lower clock speeds are supported but may result in reduced performance.

Network Switch Specifications

Minimum Capability: The network switch must support a minimum of 10 Gbps or 25 Gbps Ethernet (10/25GbE).

Note: Multipath things need to add here

RAM Specifications

Minimum Requirement: 64 GB RAM.

Server Operating System Requirements for SNS Deployment

Operating System

Required OS: Ubuntu 22.04.

Partitioning Recommendation:

The operating system partitions and /var/lib should be mounted on a separate RAID-protected SSD set. this is required to safeguard the operating system in the event of a single drive failure.

Note: Mimimum space for /var/lib should added

Network Configuration

IP Address: Ensure the server is assigned a static IP address for reliable communication and consistent networking.

Storage Drives

Drive Format:

Storage drives must remain unformatted.

Path Visibility:

Drives should appear as single paths in the system (e.g., /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd).

Known Issues

UI Notification for Free Ports on Network Switches

Issue: If there are any unused ports on the network switches, the UI may display the following warning:
"Nics on <server> has issues!"

Impact: This is a false-positive alert and does not affect the functionality of the system.

Initial Server Access and Configuration

Logging into the Server

Ensure Server Readiness:

The server must be running Ubuntu 22.04 and should be powered on and accessible on the network.

Access via SSH:

Use SSH to log in to the server:

ssh <username>@<server_ip>

Switch to Root User:

After logging in, switch to the root user:

sudo su

Enter the password configured during the server installation when prompted.

Installing the SSA Debian Package

Installation Command

To install the SSA Debian package, execute the following command as the root user:




Make sure you have the Physical node installed before installing the SNS 1.1.1 base packages.

Follow the steps below to install SNS 1.1.1 base packages:

  1. Use SSH to log in to the server. Please provide the user password when prompted.

    Code Block
    ssh <username>@<server_ip>
  2. Once logged in, switch to the root user. Please provide the password when prompted.

    Code Block
    sudo su
  3. To install the base packages, execute the following command.

    Code Block
    sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root


  1. There are a few prechecks


  1. through the scripts which when passed will ask for confirmation to proceed with installation. Please provide yes to proceed.

    Code Block
    The apt repository for the Swarm Software Appliance has now been added to this machine.
    The script will now install the application pending some environmental checks
    Do you want to proceed? (yes/no)


Accepting those prechecks adds the Swarm deb repo.


  1. It may take a while to finish installation. Once the installation is complete, a URL will be provided to access the UI


Code Block
Automatic reboots after unattended upgrades have been disabled.
The bootstrapper and api services have now been installed you can now go to http://<serverIP>:9010/ui to continue configuration

If the installer is at “Scanning linux images…” stage, press return and it should proceed further.

Add the precheck steps before going to create cluster

Access the provided URL (http://<serverIP>:9010/ui) from any browser, and it will prompt you with a "Create Cluster" button on the page. Click the "Create Cluster" button to proceed.


It will open the "Create New Cluster" page. Follow the steps below:

  1. Provide the desired cluster name.

  2. Upload the license using the "Choose File" link.

    • If no license is uploaded, the default 2TB license will be applied.

  3. Click on the "Advanced" dropdown link.

  4. Provide the Domain Name and Bucket Name for creation during cluster setup.

    • If Domain Name and Bucket Name are not provided, the default Domain Name “test“ and Bucket Name “default” will be used.

  5. After entering all details, click the "Next" button to proceed.

image-20250124-063105.pngImage Removed


A confirmation page will open. Follow the steps below:

  1. Verify that the entered details are correct.

  2. If all values are correct, click "Confirm" to proceed further.

  3. If any modifications are needed, click "Back" to modify the values, then click "Next" and "Confirm" again to proceed.


Wait for a few minutes while the provided details are validated and the initial configuration is completed. Once all checks are done, you will see a pop-up message saying "New cluster is created successfully." Click "Done" to finish.

Need to add POP up image here

Once the "Calculating..." window opens, click on "Show Details." This will display the current phase of the cluster creation process.

image-20250124-064147.pngImage Removed

image-20250124-064017.pngImage Removed

Wait for a minimum of 15 minutes, depending on network speed. After that, the "Log in to Single Node Swarm" page will open. Provide the default username and password as "periferyadmin/password" and click on login. Note on cases when the instalation happend on machine with multiple empty NIC card ports you will see an exclamation mark as shown below the same can be ignore and proceed.

image-20250124-065134.pngImage Removed

After logging in, the "Update Password" page will open. Set the password as desired and click the "Update Password" button. Within a few seconds, the password will be updated, and a "Password Updated Successfully" message will briefly appear before disappearing. For the next login, use the updated password, as the initial default password will no longer work.

UPdate password page needs to be add.

You Will Be Redirected to the Dashboard Page, and Now Your Cluster is Up and Running: See the Below Section in UI Which Will Navigate You Through

  1. S3 Endpoint: In the "S3 Endpoint" section, view the S3 endpoint details.

  2. Advanced Section: Under the "Advanced" section, you will see the "Content Management" and "Storage Management" link boxes, Clicking on these links will navigate you to the respective UIs in a new window.

  3. Storage Box: Under the "Storage" box, observe the utilized and free space bars.


  1. (see the below screenshot).

    image-20250130-123752.pngImage Added


Make sure the template file has been generated before accessing the UI to create a cluster. Run the command ls /etc/hosttype to verify the existence of the file.

If the file exists, execute cat /etc/hosttype to check its contents. If the file is empty or not generated or contains the template name "test", halt the cluster creation process and contact the DataCore’s Customer Support Engineer to resolve the issue. Once the issue is fixed, you can proceed with the cluster creation as mentioned below. This will help avoid reinstalling the Debian package again.


Next, see [DRAFT] SWARM Containerized Stack Installation