Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Set and Revert Log Levels: Temporarily change the log level and revert after a specified duration.

  • Flexible JSON Parsing: Uses jq for JSON parsing if available; defaults to jq otherwise.

  • Detachable Session Execution: Runs in a detachable session using screen or tmux, allowing the script to continue running independently of the terminal session. If both screen and tmux are installed, the script will prioritize screen first.

  • Supports Cluster and Node Log Levels: Allows setting log level at both the cluster and individual node levels.

  • Log File Auto-Detection: Automatically detects and adjust the castor.log file path for CSN and SCS environments.

  • Log Size Monitoring: Reports the log size generated during the temporary log level change.

  • Countdown Display: Shows a countdown for the specified duration.


Code Block
./ -d -p admin:datacore -i 20 -t 600

Example 2: Set node(s) log level to debug (10) and keep it for 10 minutes

Code Block
./ -d, -p admin:datacore -i debug -t 600


The at command can used to schedule the script to run at a later time. This is useful when you need to start collecting debug logs at a specific hour.

Example 4: Secure password prompt if password are not provided

Code Block
./ -p admin -d -i 10 -t 300

(You will be prompted to enter the password securely.)

Code Block
./ -p admin -d -i 10 -t 300

Enter password for user admin:

Example 5: Schedule the script to run at 3:00 AM on 03/02/2025 and collect debug logs of node and for 1 hour

  1. Ensure the at service is installed, enabled and running

    Code Block
    dnf -y install epel-release
    dnf -y install at
    systemctl enable --now at
  2. Schedule the script execution using at:

    Code Block
    echo "/root/dist/ -p -iadmin:datacore -d -L ',' 10 -t 3600" | at 03:00 AM 03/02/2025


  1. To verify scheduled job:

    Code Block
    7	Sun Mar 02 03:00:00 2025 a root
  2. To remove a scheduled job (replace JOB_ID with the actual job number from atq output):

    Code Block
    atrm 7

Reattaching to a Detached Session

For more details on using screen and tmux, refer to their official documentation:

If you accidentally close your terminal (e.g. putty, iterm2, etc) while the script is running in a detached session, you can reattach using the following commands:

For screen users:

  1. List active screen session:

    Code Block
    screen -ls
  2. Reattach to the session:

    Code Block
    screen -r <session_name>

For tmux users:

  1. List active tmux sessions:

    Code Block
    tmux ls
  2. Reattach to the session:

    Code Block
    tmux a -t <session_name>

If the session has ended or was not found, you may need to restart the script manually.


  1. Log Level Change: Sets the log level to the specified value. If the current log level matches the requested level, the script skips the update.

  2. Countdown: During the specified duration, the script displays a countdown every second.

  3. Revert Log Level: After the countdown, the log level reverts to the initial value.

  4. Log Size Report: Provides approximately log size generated during the temporary log level change.
